Author's Note

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Hello all my lovely readers,

I've recently posted this message to my message board, but based off comments I sometimes see in my notifications, I don't think you guys have seen it so here it is. I really didn't want to post this in my book because as a fellow reader I understand the disappointment when you think you're about to read a chapter, but instead get an author's note. Sorry for being that author, but I want you ALL to know what has me busy enough that I haven't updated like some of you guys have been jumping down my throat for in frustration. So here it is:

As everyone has probably noticed, I've been very absent from wattpad. I just wanted to let all my lovely followers know that yes, I'm okay and no, I haven't given up on my book. This current school semester has been the most challenging and important semester I have had so far. All my attention and effort has went into this school semester basically, and I know I haven't wrote anything. I'm currently in the process of applying to graduate school, and I won't be finished with that until July. The next couple of weeks are super important for me so I'll be absent from wattpad for a while longer. I just wanted to let you all know, though, that I will be back and I will finish my current story! That is my goal. So please don't give up on me yet! For everyone hanging in there, I thank you all so much. I hope you guys understand and once again thank you to all my followers who have been with me this far! Thank you, and I'll be back.

When I get back, I'll answer all my inboxes, board messages, and try to reply back to some of the comments that you all have posted in my story. I haven't been writing because I've been writing a personal statement to get into graduate school and mixing the two just throws me off and frustrates me because I get writer's block with my P.S. I've been binge reading which is severely unproductive but it's my only outlet considering I've logged out of all my social media accounts to focus on studying for a huge test to get into grad school. Yada, yada, yada, y'all don't want to hear about my problems. Alright. I'll be back though. I'm just dealing with a really important moment in my life and I want my attention to go to that while I balance the other woes of my life!

Thank you all.

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