All Night

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Song: Beyonce: All Night


They say true love's the greatest weapon
To win the war caused by pain, pain
But every diamond has imperfections
But my love's too pure to watch it chip away
Oh nothing real can be threatened
True love breathes salvation back into me
With every tear came redemption
And my torturer became a remedy

Mature Content Ahead

"Avril you're a genius!" Nydale uncharacteristically swept me into his arms, swinging me around.

A laugh bubbled in my chest, my emotions still spinning from earlier.

The air after my speech had been electric. Somehow, I had managed to change the tide of the audience completely. Although their fear was still evident, their need for vengeance and an overwhelming urge to be the change overpowered it.

Multiple aliens had come up to me throwing out ideas, and greedily I had sucked all of it in while Ike and my friends stood on the sidelines along with Glow and her friends taking mental notes. The energy had still been magnetizing when we had left and I couldn't be happier. Everything was beginning to work out. I knew to keep the momentum going we would have to come up with something quick, but with our alien army ready everything was falling into place perfectly. I knew there would be barriers, but I had full confidence that everything would work out. Hopefully, if I kept that optimism, everything would.

Nydale let me go, and my feet weren't even on the ground for a nanosecond when I was swept off my feet again. The nearly suffocating grip alerted me to the fact that this time the hug was from Aeon.

"You were amazing out there Avy! Never in my life had I wanted to march to the front doors of the Dynoat's place, kick it down, and cause hell and havoc!" Aeon shouted while I threw my head back and laughed.

This time I was allowed a small chance to recuperate before Mist hugged me. "Today we were victorious." She whispered in my ear before pulling back and looking me in the face. Her brown eyes were dewy.

"Don't cry Mist." I begged.

"I'm just so happy." Her words were wobbly as she sniffled.

Kaiya snorted before she came into view. "Internally I feel the same way as Mist...I just don't particularly show it." Kaiya eyed Mist distastefully who scowled at Kaiya in return dabbing at her eyes. The scowl was meant to be fierce, but it lacked in punch considering she was wiping tears as she did it.

Sending a smile to Kaiya's and Mist's interaction, I turned to Ike who hadn't said anything. Our eyes locked and the appreciation and respect was clear. "Right when I think you couldn't surprise me any more than you have, you do something to top it." His baritone words washed over me like falling stars and all I wanted to do was to fall into his arm. The feeling of relief and happiness reverberated through my entire being and I suddenly felt so high on life.

Ike wrapped his arms around me and placed a kiss on my forehead that sent sparks throughout my entire being. Glancing up at him, I could see the need in his eyes and mine reflected the same desire.

"You think Othana is going to seek revenge?" Aeon questioned as we walked through the tunnels. Aliens smiled at us as we passed and others nodded their heads respectively while we mirrored their actions.

"I think she wants to, but she won't." Ike answered. "Rather or not she is upset, doesn't matter because she cares for these people. This is what they have their hearts and mind set to now. She has fallen from grace, and I don't see any way she can win back their control. Her time to do that has passed and now they're doing what they've wanted to do but feared to do."

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