Yatheans....Or Amazonians?

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The rocky ground met my knees as I scrambled forward towards the edge. Panic and sorrow rushed through me as I crawled to the edge feeling rocks digging into my knees and my hands, but I hardly noticed.

"Oh, my gosh Nydale!" Mist yelled. "I see them!" Her head had disappeared over the edge so I followed her lead feeling Ike frantically drop down next to me.

The squeezing in my heart loosened slightly seeing my friends holding onto the bridge that was currently only hanging due to two wooden poles holding it on our side of the gorge.

There was a large gash above Nydale's eyebrow and teal blood was rushing out of it at an alarming pace. We all heard Nydale's groan and realized that this situation had just got even worst.

"Shit, he's loosing blood. He's getting weaker. I don't know if he can climb with Teelah not holding her weight."

I looked closer and indeed I saw Teelah hanging off of Nydale's hand. He was using all his strength to not just keep himself up, but her too. Selene, what the hell was this girl doing!

"Teelah latch onto the bridge, you're pulling both of you guys down!" Mist yelled down at her. Tears that had began pooling in her eyes began dribbling down clearly seeing the seriousness of this situation. We could lose both of them. Mist hurriedly swiped them away.

At Mist's words, Teelah who had her eyes screwed shut vigorously shook her head. I could've screamed in outrage.

Running frantic fingers through my tangled knots, I slammed my fist on the ground. "Teelah, grab onto the fu-" I cut myself off by biting my lip. This was no time to start snapping on people, especially on a girl like Teelah who was most likely scared of her own shadow. Yes, she was being selfish by putting hers and Nydale's life in peril by not holding her own, but she was scared.

She was fucking scared Avril, was the only thing I could tell myself to keep a tight lid on my anger that wanted to erupt.

"Teelah." I breathed, watching Nydale swaying on the bridge. One hand latched onto the woven strings of the bridge the other holding on Teelah who was pulling him down like a dead weight. Veins rose under his skin clearly holding on as tight as he could, but his grip was shaky. "Honey, you have to grab onto the bridge now." For a second I felt everyone's eyes on me. They all knew I had never been this nice and was clearly making my voice soothingly sweet to coax Teelah. But I had to remember, like a puppy you couldn't gain anything out of them by being harsh.

So yeah even though a part of me wanted to do it like Scar from the Lion King and be all like "long live the Queen", and let her ass drop, I knew I couldn't, and I wouldn't. I would lose Nydale too.

"You're okay, but if you can't grab onto that bridge both you and Nydale are going to fall. Do you understand me?" Despite the seconds running out, I said each word slowly and calmly.

Teelah nodded. Relief flooded me, but the clear fear was still there.

"Okay, now let go of his hand and grab onto the bridge for yourself, you got this."

Teelah opened her eyes. Shakily the hand not holding onto Nydale's reached out and grabbed the bridge.

"That's good...now grab it with your other hand. You got this, you won't fall. You're stronger than you think." I tried to pacify her fear.

Nodding, letting out a soft whimper, she let go and her other hand found the string.

"Now start climbing."

The Cosmic Princessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें