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Song: Alex & Sierra- Little Do You Know

Waking up the next day was slightly difficult considering I spent a third of the night with thoughts on my power performance for the day, the second third pondering on Ike and I, and the last third feeling restless and strung up.

Moodily, wiping the sleep out of my eye, I turned to where the fire had burned last night only to realize that everyone else was up, besides me, as I took inventory of everyone perched around the small fire that Ike had put out not too long after our talk. Even though I knew why Ike had put the fire out, which was to decrease the likelihood of getting exposed, I couldn't fight the chill of the night's air. A small part of me had wished for Ike's warmth, but another part of me had brushed it aside because I could suffice without him.

Getting up and brushing off my clothes, I motioned towards the tipi made of the soil and watched as the soil grew thinner and then and finally sprinkled its brick-red color back onto the ground blending back in. Looking around, I realized that all the makeshift tents had been dismantled and had been returned to their original state which was the dirt.

The morning air was stale and hot. Slowly, I walked to the group and got comfortable in the only spot available which was between Ike and Mist. Instantly, Ike offered me what looked like some type of heated meat from Yetheria that we had been given and had preserved for the trip.

Catching Ike's eyes, which showed nothing, I graciously took the meat from him and began eating into it. Mentally, I moaned in bliss at the taste now being reminded of how hungry I had been. Food always tasted better when you were hungry.

"So what's the plan?" Aeon voice filtered through the calm silence of the morning. I glanced up at him and quietly let out a sigh of relief seeing him all patched up and conscious.

Since Mist basically had been tasked with being our guide, I was beginning to realize that Mist kind of had a knack for finding stuff, she answered. "Well, I'm now about ninety percent sure that we're heading in the right direction." She spoke up, daintily wiping away the grease from the meat not so elegantly on her clothes. "I think we should still keep heading in the direction we're heading and hope for the best. Yesterday, was a big setback." Tension filled the air as we all reminisced on the creature we had to fight. "But we made it through. As a whole, we have to be intune with each other to work the best. The more we do it the better, we'll be."

I chewed on my lip, briefly wondering if she was hinting at how suckish I had been with taking down the creature but quickly brushed it away knowing this time that it was just my insecurities wrecking my brain.

"What will we do once we get there?" Kaiya questioned, frowning slightly.

"Once we get there? We're only going so close. If we get too close, they'll probably pick up on it. We find the headquarters, find shelter somewhere close enough that we can do snooping during the day, but far enough where we can hide and protect ourselves efficiently during the night."

Silently, I watched Ike give direction secretly admiring his complex determination in which he seemed so sure of his abilities, yet he was able to spot the pros and cons of each situation without seeming to falter. I wondered if I would ever reach that level. I mean, I have the powers, it's the control I'm lacking.

"Ya know, he's been trained since he was in diapers." My voice tried to soothe my worries, before Ike's thumb came up and gently ran over the junction between my eyebrows.

"I can practically see the gears in your head spinning and the little furrowed eyebrow look you do when you're in deep concentration is pretty cute." Ike smiled sincerely at me as if I hadn't stomped on him like a bug the night before. "What's wrong?"

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