For the Children

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To say that Ike was murderous when he saw the bruises I had acquired from my little encounter with Rahum was an understatement.

"I'll kill him." He seethed looking at the ugly blackish-blue tint to my arm seconds before Mist's healing light wrapped around the skin making the bruise non-existent.

"Ike, you can't do anything to him." My voice was pleading. "And plus, I already took care of him."

My words fell against deaf ears as Ike sprung up from our bed. "Where did you last see him? Matter of fact, it doesn't even matter where he is, I'll find him and when I do I'll rip one of his fucking horns off and jam it down his throat and-"

"Maybe Avril is right." Mist tried to placate her brother who was a millisecond from exploding.

"I don't care!" He thundered while Mist and I both made eye contact, holding back our eyes rolls.

Whoop there it is. The explosion.

"I have played by the rules because queen Avril has insisted that we play nice with these cave dwellers, but the minute one put his filthy hands on Avril is the minute I forget about placid and sweet. Fuck that."

"Can you at least not go look for him right now." I reasoned, watching him pace back and forth. His fists were balled and his jaw was clenched, and I couldn't help but admire his muscular physique. I knew I should be serious considering the fact that Ike was ready to go beat some alien that Othana held dear to a bloody pulp, but I couldn't hide that fact that when Ike was angry, it turned me on beyond belief. Sue me. The bond and my feelings had merged into one and these days more than half of my thoughts circled around Ike and all the things I wouldn't mind doing to him.


Ike's voice made me jump. My eyes shot to him only to see a heated expression adoring his handsome features instead of the fury from a second ago. "Babe, don't look at me like that." His husky voice made me shiver.

"I can't help it. You're hot when you're angry." I blurted without mentally processing the words. Thought bubble, that was supposed to stay in a thought bubble.

"Damn it, Av. How am I supposed to be furious when you're staring at me like that." He walked over to me, stooping down to my level so we staring at each other. "I'm supposed to be ready to stomp that traffic cone's lights out, and all I can think about is how your lips would feel against mine...and other places." He added as an afterthought, voice deep and thumb coming to caress my bottom lip.

Surprising both me and him, I playfully nipped at his thumb and watched his eyes flash to purple as a pleased shiver raked down his back. His hands gripped my thighs, spreading them and moving between my thighs while I wrapped my arms around his neck feeling my blood began to simmer.

"Oh, guys! Please! I am still in the room!" Mist's voice yanked us back into reality as we both turned towards her. She looked nauseous.

"Sorry, Mist." I muttered, while shooing Ike away from me feeling slightly embarrassed at my wanton behavior.

"Cockblock." I thought I heard Ike say under his breath, but chose not to question him. Instead I cleared my throat.

"What we really need to talk about is how are we going to sway the cave dwellers to our side. After our last talk with Othana, I don't know what is going on anymore. If we really want to get something done, we need to act fast. I don't trust least not as much as I thought I did anymore." I glanced at Ike and Mist, noting their worried expressions.

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