Everybody Wants to Rule the World

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Recap: Avril has been captured by the Dynoats and basically tortured by their leader, Zeddicus.  Avril has discovered that Zeddicus' has a deceased mate who strangely looks just like her, which instills fear into Avril's heart that she's an obession for Zeddicus and will never be free from his clutches. Trying to make the best of her situation, Avril decides to become the mole in the castle to gain as much intel as possible to help her friends and herself overtake Zeddicus. Betrayal hits, and Zeddicus finds out her plan and Avril is forced to watch one of her servant friends (Niet) be murdered for her deception. Avril finds herself at her own forced wedding. When all hopes seems to be lose there seems to be a divine intervention.

Lorde – Everybody wants to rule the world

The purple winds thickened as they trapezied between the frantic Dynoats bodies and slowly began to occult everything in view. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I could hear the increasing crescendo of thunder yet piercing eyes drew my focus away.

The winds strengthened, the loud commotion of Dynoats scrambling around grew louder, but Zeddicus stood merely feet away from me. With his hands behind his back, hair flying wildly behind him, he was the image of perfect tranquility and the image of one of my most frightening nightmares.

A small smirk lit his hauntingly calm features as we eyed one another. I expected him to approach me, I expected maybe even a shock from my necklace but instead he vanished as the purple winds overtook him and the butterflies flew harder around us.

I should have been happy he was gone and whatever coverage this was could allow me an escape. But now without his stare holding me prisoner, I could feel the shaking under my feet and through the purple fog I could hear the frightening noise of something large approaching.

I didn't know what was going on, but the fact that Zeddicus seemed so calm about it put even more terror into my heart. On their own accord, my feet began moving in no particular direction. One second, I was stumbling through the purple haze and the next bodies with blurred faces were slamming into me as they rushed towards the direction I was running from. Everything was happening too fast and I couldn't catch faces in the mayhem of violet winds.

Were these prisoners?

Were these free creatures?

What was going on?

War cries reverberated through the air. An impact to my shoulder had my body hurdling to the floor, back first, and air wheezed from my lungs at the collision. For a moment, all was still as I laid dazed on the floor, staring into the sky. Ringing erupted in my ears, the dull sound of my heavy breathing laying to waste the roaring sound of chaos around me.

The impending feeling of doom was slowly making its way towards me, my mind wondering what lesson Zeddicus was trying to teach me now. What had I done lately that I hadn't received punishment for yet? Oh, I had hit him but hadn't been zapped. The bridge between the conclusion and that fact seemed to be broken.

I began to push myself up, but someone stepped close to me blocking out the sun. Squinting up at the figure, it was at first hard to piece together the face. Once I did, I felt my heart still. Burning erupted in my eyes, but knowing her presence meant something huge was happening I pushed my shocked down and took her hand.

Without any effort, she pulled much of my weight up and suddenly I was enveloped in her arms.

"Ivy." I shuddered out, pulling away from her and staring into radiating metallic eyes that I thought I would never see again. "This isn't real this isn't real, this isn't..."

"It is." There was a fierceness to her voice that I had never heard from her before. It was hardened. "The time to act is now! Come on!"

"What?" I questioned, quickly swatting a butterfly away as Ivy began pulling me farther into the mayhem as creatures rushed past us.

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