Adventure Time

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"Well, what now?" Aeon was the first to say as we all stared at the blackened screen silently.

"I guess we start exploring..."I drifted looking at Ike hoping that we could get back on track after that bittersweet moment.

He nodded, taking the device and pressing the same side button Mist had pushed to expand it. At his touch, the silver device began to roboticallly condense its self back into its original mini cube shape. Tucking the device into a dirtied pocket, Ike began moving to the heavy cover of the trees. "Come on everybody we have to find edible food and shelter and we don't have time to waste."

"Aww." Kaiya groaned as everyone began following Ike. "I hate exploring. Nothing good ever comes out of exploring."

"I'll protect you." Aeon grinned, throwing an arm around her waist and pulling her in. I smirked seeing Kaiya bite a smile back before she pushed him away.

"I think I'm ready to explore." She grunted, trudging ahead of me.

Aeon moved next to me, grinning like a fool. He turned to me, eyes glittering. "That girl is going to be the death of me...but it'll be a sweet death, for sure. I know it."

I chuckled and watched him jog towards her and then throw his arm around her shoulder obnoxiously bringing her extremely close to him. This time she didn't struggle.

We had just reached the purple canopied forest when I turned to see Ike...who was being followed by Teelah.

I groaned lowly only for him to hear me. As if he didn't even see her, Ike came and interlaced our hands. Tingles shot up my arm from his touch. "I want you to stay close."

I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the feeling of content at his protectiveness. "I'll be fine."

"I don't want anything to happen to you Avril, you know you're a magnet for trouble." Grabbing my waist, he lifted me over a fallen tree. My stomach flipped at his touch, my lower stomach clenching. There came that dull ache that I was becoming more and more use to.

"Ike." I hissed, feeling my eyes begin to glow lowly. "I could've did that myself."

He smirked and shrugged. "I know, but I like pampering you."

"Yes Ike, we're on a foreign planet and was just chased by a deranged giant. But oh, you sure do know how to pamper a girl by helping her over a fallen tree." I snapped and immediately bit my lip. I knew I was snapping because of this damn bond.

"You're grouchy when you're horny." Ike mumbled walking in front of me.

I gasped lightly, flickering my eyes around hoping no one had heard that. "I'm not...horny."

"Okay." He didn't believe me one bit.

"Well what do you expect, it's been months since we've known each other and realized that we're kindred spirits, and we haven't conjoined. I'm sorry but these feelings are starting to mess with my emotions."

He spun around, eyes narrowing. "Well my feelings are amplified too. That doesn't mean I'm just going to snap on you."

I crossed my arms. "Well that's a change."

Ike huffed, running a frustrated hand over his head. "What do you want me to do Avril? Grab your hand and go lead you somewhere deep in the forest where we can what? Have sex? As much as that sounds appealing and would make me probably the happiest man alive, we don't have the time for that. We have other things to worry about. And plus it would be your first time and-"

"I know that!" I snapped hating whenever someone brought up the virgin card to me. The guys were always teasing me about that and it pissed me off.

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