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Sorry- Justin Bieber

Earned It- The Weekend

Murder On My Mind- YNW Melly

I didn't realize Qrow would get so upset about Hanaya. I didn't kill her, I just hurt her. Although, it would've felt better for her to just die. Autumn knew exactly who Hanaya was, and that's why she didn't say anything to Qrow to support him. Did he even recognize her? But one thing I was really stumped on was why Qrow was so mad at me. What, he didn't like to kill women?

"So are you willing to go apologize or are you gonna be a douche about it?" Autumn asks, kneeling down beside Hanaya and grabbing her wrist. I shrug, running a nervous hand through my hair."I feel like I keep messing up my chance with him, A," I tell her, watching her press two fingers on the outside of her wrist to take her pulse. She watches her watch for fifteen seconds while I keep ranting about how stupid I was.

"Well," She sighs, pulling Hanaya's arm over her shoulder and motioning for me to grab the other one. I slip her warm, limp arm around the back of my neck and help pull her up off the ground, putting my free arm around her waist so she wouldn't fall off of Autumn and I.

"I guess if you keep going down the careless path you're walking, you'll never get to kiss or hug or snuggle or fu-" 

"That's not what I'm talking about, Autumn," I blurt loudly, hoping the heat on my face was from the air outside. "Besides, I've already done those."

"All except one." She sneers.

"And that is?"

"Have the balls to lay him."

"Oh come on, I'm not gonna do that to him," I say stupidly, tossing my hand to the car. She gives me an unamused look. 

"Don't lie to me, Hollister. We all know that's where this is going to go sooner or later."

I look away, biting my bottom lip to keep me from smiling.

"So, can you bring me to the hospital Adrien's at so he can... cover for me?" She asks. "'Cause I'm not too sure we can explain this to anyone besides a Forager." She motions to Hanaya's body, her black, scuffed boots dragging behind us as we hauled her to the car. We both look at each other, back at Hanaya, then break out into a fit of laughter. I'd say for a team of total badasses like Jersey, Autumn, Adrien, Talitha and Qrow, I was pretty lucky to have them all as not just friends, but family. None of us have moms and Adrien's the only one with a dad. I killed mine, Talitha ran from hers. We all fit together to renew the bonds we are supposed to have with people we need the most.

We set Hanaya down in my trunk (hey, it's not one of those small, boxy ones so I'm not stuffing and making her fit, okay? She was able to sprawl out and lay down.) and I started to laugh again. This was something I thought I would never do in my entire life as a vigilante.

"I feel like I'm on one of those shows where they hunt down murderers and criminals," I chuckle. "Except for we do this for a good cause," Autumn winks, smiling up at me. I let out a small laugh, catching Qrow's sharp glance from my rear-view mirror as I reached up and slammed my trunk closed.

"Right," I say, snorting another laugh. "'a good cause'."

*                               *                            *

"Up on three, ready?" I ask, grabbing Hanaya's legs. Autumn nods, grabbing her arms. "One, two," We set our feet, ready to pick her up. "Three," I grunt, Hanaya's weight balancing out between the two of us as we lifted her small body and set it onto the stretcher. Adrien stood to the side, watching us and shaking his head in disbelief. 

"I can't believe you did this. If my boss finds out I helped a group of friends haul an unconscious woman out of the trunk of a white SUV at ten-thirty at night, I'm fired," He says, setting his hands on his waist and cocking his hips as he raised an eyebrow at us. Autumn rolled her eyes, buckling Hanaya into the stretcher.

"Well, then we can all come and explain how we are fighting the Myonaridans as an undercover group of Foragers and then we can see what happens after that," She says bitterly, picking up the oxygen mask from under the small mattress and holding it up to her face. They both start wheeling her off towards the lobby, Hanaya's left arm dropping off the side and dangling above the ground. Autumn grabs it and throws it back over her chest.

"Hey, and Adrien," I call after him. He turns around responsively. "thanks, man."

He shakes his head again and points a finger at me. "Last time," he smiles, pushing the stretcher into the building through the automatic sliding doors. I chuckle, pointing back at him. "I promise."

*                           *                           *

I pulled up in the driveway of Autumn's house, my headlights sweeping over the door and garage. Qrow began to unbuckle as soon as I put the car in park, but I reached over and grabbed his hand to stop him. "Qrow," I start, trying to get him to listen. He pulls his hand away, pushing the red EJECT button to release his seatbelt from the clip.

"I didn't kill her," I say as he turns and reaches for the door. He still ignored me. I sigh impatiently.

"Do you know who that is?" I ask, my voice quiet. He froze, his hand gripped around the handle. He hesitated, but I watched his body relax as he turned back to me, letting out a tense breath."She was a maid in my castle back home, that's all." He says quickly, pulling on the handle. I jab the LOCK button with my index finger on the panel on my door, locking him inside. He grumbles, snapping back to me again.

"Is that it?" I ask. He raises an eyebrow, nodding. "Why are you so-"

"She helped kill Eliza, Qrow," I blurt. He stops moving and I hear his breath catch in his nose. His big, curious blue eyes suddenly locked onto mine, pleading for more information.

"That," I continue, pointing back to the direction we came from. "That woman was your brother's girlfriend. She was there."

Qrow bites his cheek, averting his eyes to the huge new crack in my windshield. My tolerance shattered a little bit inside when I looked it over again. That'll be a few thousand bucks to get that shit replaced.

"Qrow, look at me please," I whisper, drawing my thoughts back to him. He slowly turns back to me, his eyes wandering around my dashboard before finding mine. I take his hand in mine again, but this time, he doesn't pull away. I lift it to my face, Qrow carefully watching my every move.

"Do you trust me?" I ask. He swallows, inhaling shakily before nodding again. I felt his hand nervously twitch against my palm. I pressed my lips to his first thumb knuckle and I felt him flinch. I tightened my grip on his wrist just a little bit and kissed his index finger, waiting for a response. Still nothing.

I then kissed the remaining fingers and he gave me that one small, sly smile that made my heart race. I tried to keep my attention on him, but he opened his hand and took the silver ball of my lip piercing between his middle finger and thumb, twirling it in the flesh. I gently bite his finger, giving him a flirtatious half smile. 

"You're such a tease," I chuckle, reaching down and unlocking the doors. Qrow rolls his eyes, opening the door. 

"You're forgetting something," I call after him, glancing at his go-bag in the backseat. He turns around, cocking his head to the side and groaning as he climbed back into the vehicle, over his seat and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes widened in surprise as he pushed me back against my seat, holding the kiss for a beat longer before pulling away, sliding back out of the car and shutting the passenger door. 

"I was talking about your duffel," I laugh. He spins around, his long black hair whipping around in the breeze. "Are you kidding me?"

I shake my head, chuckling. He crawls back into my car, grumbling to himself and snatching his bag from my worn black leather seat.

"You're adorable," I tease as he backs out. "Shut up," He mumbles, tossing it into the lawn. 

"Tomorrow, my turn to take you out," He tells me sternly, pointing at me through the window. I put my hands in a surrendering position, chuckling. "Fine by me."

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