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Three weeks later...

I never would've imagined in my whole life of being one to lose someone so close to me. But that's what I get for thinking, right? Anything is possible, especially risking my life every day as a protector of Paris. I dedicate my life to my work and to the lives of the people, making sure they're reassured enough to be able to sleep at night. Nobody knows how hard it is.

Qrow was making a good recovery I had heard from Tripp, who also... had bought a ring for Qrow not too long ago. Which I was a little uneasy about, actually. Something just didn't seem right in the atmosphere between them. I don't know if it's an untouched subject they haven't faced or a fight I haven't heard of, but it makes me squirm.

The thought of Qrow committing to something as serious as marriage was difficult to grasp, even for me. Maybe it's because I am still getting over Adrien, or maybe it's the uneven ground between us. There's definitely some neglected feelings we've pushed away from eachother, but the conversations we have had lately has resurfaced things I don't want to face. We had been on the phone for less than ten minutes before he suggests something that made my stomach jump.

"How about you just come over so we can talk about it?" Qrow asks in a sympathetic tone. "We could just sit and relax and, hey, maybe even sit in the hot tub," He laughs. "Tripp is helping out with a fitness camp at the YSA academy tonight and tomorrow and Jho is asleep, so we got the pool to ourselves."

There was a sudden wave of reassurance that swept over me like a chilled gust of wind. I straighten, picking my phone up from off the table and walking to my room.

"Yeah, the hot tub sounds nice," I smile. "I've been really stressed so it'll help."

"To be honest, we could totally pour some bubbles in there too and go back to our childhood for a bit," He teases. I let out a short laugh, pulling my hairband out of my ponytail and letting it fall over my shoulders. Qrow inhales slowly from the other line, making a satisfied sound. "It's nice to hear you smile again, A."

I swallow, memories swamping my thoughts. I loved how understanding he wanted to be, but it could wait another few weeks.

"I-It's nothing I didn't see coming," I start, pulling open my top dresser drawer as I toss my phone onto my nightstand.

"I mean, Adrien was out constantly and always smelt of alcohol and drugs and smoke; a huge pointer. It just sucks knowing we've been together seven years," I choke, holding up my small black bathing suit out infront of me. I glance up and stare at my bed, sheets tossed around and pillows strayed, and I realize it's been years since I left my bed unmade. And years since I had to sleep alone. I shake my head dismissively and tug on the center string to even out the cups of my bathing suit, tossing it behind me onto my bed as I pull my shirt off.

"So you're saying you saw it coming?" He asks in disbelief. My breath hitches in my nose as I unclasp my bra, plucking my swim top off my sheets and tying it under my breasts tightly.

"I had a feeling something was going to happen," I tell him. "Its like a deja vu at this point; like it's too surreal."

"So, you were expecting a death?" He asks, a hint of concern behind his question. I groan. "N-no, I mean it was just something I felt," I explain, but with how crazy I probably sounded, I gave up.

"It's whatever because he's always fighting with you and literally throwing you around, so it's nothing. I mean, yeah we had a kid and-" I pause, blinking rapidly as I swallow, wiggling out of my pants. "-we had a kid and all, but it's better that he is gone now, right?" I ask, forcing a smile as my bottom lip quivers.

Reputation: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now