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The steady beeping of Tripp's heart monitor and trilling of the plenty other machines hooked up to him kept me awake throughout the night. I'd put up a fight with the three nurses who wanted to take me out of the room because 'visiting hours were over'. After having to explain who I was, giving out autographed notesheets and selfies, I was allowed to stay.

I slept beside Tripp, the chair pulled up by the bed so I could atleast have something comfortable to lie my head on. I was just glad he was alive- I don't think I would be if he wasn't.
A stirring beside me woke me, one of my eyes opening to check the time on my watch. 5:36 am.

I shut my eye again, slowly exhaling calmly as I grabbed his hand closest to me. Then, I hear it. A long, drawn-in breath. And it wasn't mine.
I sit up, wide awake. Tripp coughed, pawing at the tubes in his nose and making a wierd, animalistic groan.

"Tripp," I exclaim, trying to keep my voice quiet. I climb onto his bed and grab both sides of his face, pushing our lips together. I didn't care how bloody or cut up they were; I'd missed them. And they were mine.

He opened his mouth to kiss me back, cupping his hand around the back of my head. I pull away, my eyes welling with happy tears.

"Y-You're awake," I chuckle, stroking his cheekbones with my thumbs. He gives me a confused look, his eyebrows furowing.

"My God, you scared the crap out of me!" I whisper-scream. "You almost died!"

"Who are you?" He asks in a low voice, eyeing me warily. "Did the doctor send you in?"

My smile fades and I slowly sit back, giving him a blank stare. No, no, no, please no.

"It's Qrow," I say, laying a hand on my chest. He smirks to himself.

"You're cute though," He laughs woozily. "Like the singer?"

I give him an annoyed look. "Harry Styles?"

You literally said that last night, Tripp.

He quickly nods. "Yes! Except no tattoos," He whined, running his hand up my arm. I get goosebumps as I watched his fingers disappear into my shirt sleeve.

"Tripp, I'm dating you." I tell him flatly. His eyes widen and his mouth opens.

"And you dating with me?" He shrieks. "Are we married?"

I shake my head, a laugh reverberating in my throat.
"No," I tell him, grabbing his hand and pressing it to my lips. "Not yet."

God, that felt good to say.

He laughed to himself, covering his face with his hands and turning away. "Was that our first kiss?" He asks, his eyebrows raised seriously. I throw my head back and let out a laugh.

"No, definitely not," I tell him. He sets his face in a pout and he crosses his arms over his chest. He stares at me with his one green eye and whines just like Jhordyn does when she doesn't get her way.

"Then I missed it," He says in a high-pitched voice. I chuckle to myself, leaning forward and running my hand through his hair.

"My ribs hurt, be careful," he whispers, looking down at where I straddled him.

"Oh," I spread my legs further apart so they weren't pressed against him. "Sorry."

He gives me a lazy smile. "You're okay." He lifts his head off the pillows and gives me another kiss, this one longer and more passionate now. I pull away and press my lips to his jaw, then his neck, Tripp letting out a soft sigh as he leans over.

"I dont think he's cleared for kissing yet," A voice says from behind me. I spun around, startled, my hair falling in my eyes. Autumn stood there, leaned up against the wall, smirking. I roll my eyes, blowing my hair out of my face.

Reputation: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now