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Fresh, morning sunlight poured through my open window and warmed the skin down my arms and on my face, the wakening sound of birds singing and insects trilling outside my window making my eyes flutter open. I lift my head from my pillow, squinting at the sunlight as I looked over at my clock. 10:26.

I let out a breath through my nose, raising an arm and lazily rubbing my bruised eye. I wince at the pain of my eye and ribs, my side aching lots more than yesterday. Qrow's side slowly rose and fell along to the pace of his steady breath, his hair a wild mess. I smirk to myself, burying my face in his neck and kissing the tender skin where his neck and shoulder met. He stirred as a chilled breeze blew into my bedroom, my white satin curtains swaying. I gazed out the window and watched red and orange leaves fall from their branches with the gusts of wind, a scent of fresh cut grass wafting through my mesh screen. Now that it was late November and all the leaves of the trees would soon be gone, it was expected to snow any day now.

I settled back into my blankets, tossing an arm around Qrow's tiny waist to draw him closer. With how small he was, I felt like I was gonna crush him like a grape multiple times last night. Yes, he is muscular and strong, but let's compare the two of us for just a second: Qrow is 5' 6", weighs around 145 pounds and can lift 100 when he tries. Now, I am 6' 2", weigh 216 pounds and can lift 146, which means I could toss Qrow around like a frisbee if I truly felt like it.

I brush my lips along Qrow's jawbone, slowly rubbing his bare chest. "Qrow," I whisper as I kiss his neck again, his skin warm. He groans into the pillow responsively, and I slip a leg over his, our ankles twisting together under the cool sheets. I sit up again, propping myself up on my elbow. "Qrow, get up. It's eleven o'clock."

He quickly rolls over, his eyebrows furrowed. "Are you kidding?" He rasps, throwing a hand over his eyes to shield them. I chuckle, nodding. He moans on protest, tucking his hand back under his pillow and his eyes fluttering closed again. His knee slips between my thighs and I flinch, his kneecap dangerously close to my junk. My eyes widen as I make out the shape of his legs under the sheet, his tiny thighs nearly nothing next to me.
Woah, woah, woah...

"Tripp," He whines, fixing his position closer into me. I wrap a hand around his waist, slowly sliding it down to the curve of his ass. I grip it gently, and Qrow opens one eye to glare at me. I chuckle, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on his lips. His hands find my neck and lock together, pulling me back down ontop of him. What a submissive, Qrow not saying a word.

I lay back down on my side without breaking the kiss as I pull Qrow closer to me. He was so warm, so small, I could just squeeze him to death.

Not literally.

We tangle together and slowly kiss, lazily and sloppily, and I've never been so entranced in my life. He was so hot, hotter than usual. He smelled different, and his taste was smooth and sweet like Tennessee Whiskey. It was perfect.

"Okay, we actually have to get up and be productive today," I blurt through our lips.

"But I don't want to," He whines, ripping the sheets from my body. The cold air bit into my bare skin, sending immediate goosebumps up and down my legs and arms. I give him a dirty look as he wraps himself in the covers, smirking at me teasingly.

"So I'm gonna go make brunch," I tell him as I pluck my garments off the floor. "You come down-" I slip back into my shorts and shake out my hair. "When I feel like it." He finishes for me, his voice muffled from under the comforter. I roll my eyes and leave him there, walking out of my bedroom and into the hall. I took in a big whiff of my crisp apple air freshener, my nose wrinkling. My room definitely smelled like a certain thing you do behind closed doors. Like sweat, mens' cologne and something I couldn't exactly put my finger on. Which, I probably didn't want to now that I think about it.

Reputation: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now