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Gone gone gone- Phillip Phillips

If Qrow had any idea of going to Ezms's party tonight, he might as well jump off a cliff instead. He's such an asshole. Tripp personally texted me yesterday inviting me to this party, and I'll be damned if I don't get to go. After pacing back and forth across the house for fifteen minutes I decided on spying. And, yes, I know that sounds really bad, but I just want to know what's up between them two. Qrow has spent more time out and has always had his phone on him, and I hate it. It's like having another teenager in the house.

I wander upstairs curiously, wondering if Qrow had anything laying out or written down to give me a pointer to something. They have to be hooking up, they must be going to some necking spot...

I push his door open and flick on the light, his room empty, quiet, and tidy. I purse my lips and dove to his desk, where some papers, sticky notes, a journal and spilled pens lay. I glance behind me, staring down the empty hall. This was a bad idea.

I pick up his journal and flip open the cover, and find the first entry. As I began to read, I realized it was all in German. Damnit.

I cussed under my breath and flipped through the pages, skimming the words. Suddenly, a piece of paper flew out and twirled to the ground, and I step back, raising my eyebrows. I looked at the notebook, then the paper, and back at the notebook. One section of the journal was swollen. Cautiously I flipped to the bulging pages, and I see a small folder placed neatly between the pages. I glance behind me again. Coast was clear.

I take up the small file and set the journal back on his desk, placing a black pen between the pages so I wouldn't lose the spot. I flipped open the lip and peeked down, and saw a stack of neat pictures filed inside. Peering down to my feet I stare hard at the paper that had fell out and notice small black ink markings on the back. Warily I kneel down, reading the date 4/12/19 stamped on the back. I could tell it was another picture. I pick it up with two fingers and turn it over, my eyes scanning the colors. To my shock it was of Elizabeth, dressed in a yellow and white jumper, brown heels and a high ponytail. She was so beautiful. She didn't deserve to die the way she did.

I set Elizabeth's picture between the pages next to the pen and walked over to Qrow's bed, tucking my legs under myself as I dumped the pictures out on his quilt.

Immediately my vision tunnel was flooded with pictures of Tripp; selfies of the two of them, single portraits, body fulls, everything. I regain the stack and look over the first one. A simple moment, Tripp smiling at the camera with his sexy toothless smirk. I flip to the next one, and it's just of Qrow, his back turned and his hair wrapped up with a utensil sticking out. I still wonder how the hell he manages to do that.

The next few pictures are basic and cute, something I'd usually find in a photo album, but then I started getting to different pictures; shirtless, dim lights, lustrous hooded eyes. My heart began to pound. I found myself flipping quicker and quicker until I found my definitive proof: kissing. No flash of course, both shirtless, eyes closed and Qrow's teeth clamped around Tripp's lip ring. I stare at it for a beat, Tripp's short jaw scruff visible at the bottom of the photograph. And it only got worse.

The next was the both of them expressionlessly staring at each other, Qrow's bottom lip tucked between his stunningly white teeth. After that it was all tongue, Qrow's hand up in Tripp's hair like he was grasping for life. And that's when I knew Tripp, of course, had taken the pictures. Maybe even without Qrow knowing until he got them developed. My pulse was racing, but I couldn't force myself to put them away. When I crossed the picture of Qrow leaving open-mouthed kisses down Tripp's bare front, I inhaled sharply, swallowing a gasp. Oh my god.

I abruptly stood and shoved the pictures back in the file, tossed it into the notebook and slammed it shut. Those pictures were not okay.

I put the journal back in its place and walked out, tramped down the stairs and snatched my keys off the keyring. I was going to Ezme's and finding answers for myself.

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