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Break Up With Him- Old Dominion

Dance With Somebody- Whitney Houston

Sweater Weather- The Neighbourhood

Okay, let me tell you exactly why I sent a shower video and other... things to Tripp:

I have absolutely no idea.

I was just getting into the shower to wash the alcohol scent and dried sweat off my body and saw my phone, which made me think of Tripp. So then, I started thinking about how much I was beginning to fall for him and I decided I might as well send him a little teasy video to make him want... me... more?

Yeaaaah, I'm not being very persuasive about this, am I?

Okay. I have never sent nudes and wanted to do it. There.

To be honest, it could be worse. I could be out sleeping with other people every night like I used to, showing myself to them in real life. Personally, I'm more confident over text because it's just a snap and done. When you're right next to each other, it's an awkward moment where you kind of just stare at eachother with lustful eyes and dirty thoughts you're dreading to speak so decide to say nothing at all because it either drives the mood or immediately kills it. Take it from me, because I know firsthand.

Unless you're compensating words for something else, you should never, absolutely ever, just walk out of the bathroom and stand there smirking at your partner if you're not hoping for something. And that's the utter truth.

Looking back on it now, I realize it was a hundred-percent impulse decision. I messed up. Now Tripp has every square inch of me in several photos on a five inch screen right at his fingertips. Paranoid who?

I mean, we are kind of equivalent with the whole ratio, but that's only because I asked. For one, that is totally not something you hear everyday from me. I'm the shy, behind-closed-doors type compared to Tripp. Secondly, I'm pretty confused on why I did ask because there's really nothing to do with the pictures. I know what he's doing which I have never done, but I can't be the only one snapping pics. That's weird. And if he thinks I'm-

Oh no.

The following morning after a rough night of sleep, Tripp picked me up and we went out for lunch together, neither of us bringing any of what had happened up, but the atmosphere between us was more chill instead of pressured, and I feel like it strengthened our relationship in a weird-but-good way. We talked open-mindedly and laughed about our random thoughts and fell asleep on calls like people do now. Turns out that's a relationship trend to follow, which I was told by Tripp, but he makes his own rules, so I'm not all convinced.

He even acted like it never happened, and that kind of stung. Our conversations were the exact same, humorous and normal, but I couldn't stop staring at him, no matter what we did. All that I could see where pictures, pictures, pictures. Almost in a taunting manner, really. The least he could do was tell me what he thought, like seriously: I'm dying to know what was running through his head.

After lunch we headed back to his place, wound up on his couch to binge his Netflix shows, and then ended up in his bed with promises from this morning fulfilled.

I'm laying in his arms, our bare legs twisted together under the sheets and skin pressed together so close I feel like we are nearly one. His fingers are twirling through my hair, the soft rhythm of his heart bumping into my ear. I felt as high as a kite, like I was floating.

"Hey so, um, about last night," He suddenly starts out of the blue. I flinch, clearing my throat. "Yes?"

"What... what was that?" He asks behind a smirk. My expression drained and my stomach drops to my ass. Oh God. I roll over to fully face him, my hair falling into my face. I push it behind my ear, giving him a pleading look. "Okay, let me explain-"

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