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My life has been a literal freaking hell for the past month.

I haven't made out with Tripp in way too long, my daughter was held hostage in her own home, I killed a few people, my crazy ex tried to kill me, my shoulder was nearly cut out by a Blitz, my best friend's husband was murdered, I threw up on the side of a road in the middle of nowhere from heavy blood loss, got to sleep mad with Tripp one night before he had to leave to go help out with some single adults at a camp in the middle of the woods, and I think I just cheated on him with my best friend. Tripp and I didn't even snuggle last night. We slept back to back, and it killed me. It can't get any worse.

After Autumn left, I broke down sobbing feeling lost and defeated. I called Tripp to tell him but Autumn had already told him, explaining how it was all her fault and I didn't even kiss back. Which I did, kinda, but I felt too guilty to actually kiss her. I'd already messed up once, and I wanted to actually last with Tripp as long as we could. But I was really grateful for Autumn's honesty, and Tripp forgave me entirely and promised to come home tomorrow after comforting my intense crying fit. I was definitely a woman in my previous life because I seem to have monthly emotional times.

I'm now sat at the kitchen table, scribbling notes into my journal as Tripp's country playlist softly played from the strip speakers lining the bar. I bobbed my foot along to the rhythm and hummed along, setting my pen down to listen to the lyrics. I couldn't understand the most of it because I wasn't fluent in English like Tripp was, but the few things I heard stood out to me:

I'm already here... look around... I'm the sun rays in your hair...

I scoot away from the table to pour me a glass of water when headlights sweep over the dining room window and pour through the cracks between the blinds. My eyes snap up in suspicion and I freeze, my breath slowing. I was not up for another round with the New Guard or the Myos, and I'd let them shoot me this time if they were here.

I slowly stand up, walking over to the window and pulling a blind down to peer out into the dark. The headlights were bright, making me squint. My heart is beating faster and faster, but when the headlights cut off and I saw Tripp's cruiser, I let out a relieved breath. wandering to the front door and flicking the porch light on. Tripp was supposed to be out at the campgrounds with the YSAs, so I had no idea why he was home. He was volunteering to host a camping trip hours away for the whole week, stuck in the middle of nowhere with twenty young single adults. Sounds like fun.

I remove my thin sweater from the coat hooks and slip it over my head, tuck my tiny feet into Tripp's overly large slippers and hurry outside just as he began to open his door.

"What the hell are you doing home?" I ask with a grin, wrapping both arms around myself as I shiver. Fall was approaching quickly, and with it being two weeks into July, it was getting colder every day.

"I came to surprise you thinking you would be asleep by now," he mutters, giving me an annoyed look. "but whatever, this is fine, too."

I laugh, pulling his door open wider and I climb inside. He lets out a giggly groan, pulling me in and shifting to the passenger seat so I would fit. When I finally got situated, we both smile at each other and sigh. When he smiles at me, I realize I'd never seen him smile with his teeth. And he was so much sexier when he did.

"Close the door," He motions to the open door with his head, reaching around me for the handle. I easily turn and yank it closed, the warmth of the heater soon cutting in.

"Ooh, it's warm in here," I giggle, plopping over into the middle seat next to him. The last date we went on, his heater was broken and we had to sit in the cold for thirty minutes, and I gave him a very serious scolding when we got home. I'm glad he didn't waste any more time to fix it.

Reputation: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now