
346 10 4

Intoxicated- The Cab

Habits- Tove Lo

Greenlight- Jonas Brothers

I woke up the next morning with a smashing headache. I don't know if it was because of the alcohol running through my veins or because of what happened with Qrow last night- my emotions still remained stirred and unsettled. I roll onto my back, direct sunlight shone into my eyes. I can't  believe I didn't tell Qrow about Jerzei and what we did. But there would be no way he'd even consider forgiving me if I told him I called her, following with the statement, 'she drugged me, so I don't know if we had sex or not.'.

I wince and slap a hand around my eyes, groaning. As one eye fluttered open, squinting as it adjusted, I realized I had left my window open all night. Well, damnit. I should be expecting bugs and maybe some little wildlife in my house for the next sixteen days.

I groggily sat up, coughing and rubbing the sleep from my bloodshot eyes. Sunlight poured through the cracks between my blinds on my window, warming my exposed skin above my white bedsheets. My whole body hurt, my lips chapped to hell. I turn to my nightstand and grab my half-empty water bottle, taking a long, slow swig. I remove the rim from my lips, a thought crossing my mind. Is it half empty or half full?

I swish the water around in my mouth as I study the bottle with narrowed eyes. I may still be a bit drunk.

Falling back into my pillows I swallow my sip of water, my mind drifting back to last night. It was too vague to fully remember, but I had pieced memories from the party; making out in the closet, getting a great lapdance, and almost fucking in Ezme's bedroom. That was pretty much it.

That damn lapdance was by far the best I've ever been given without a doubt. I do realize he is a dancer of many, many years, but for fuck's sake, I want to know how long it took him to get that down.

I take in a deep breath, raised my arms above my head to stretch and got up, tearing my mind away from the thoughts. I couldn't relief myself at ten in the morning, it was too early. Sighing and grabbing my beer-scented shirt from the floor, I grab my phone from my bedside table to check if Qrow responded. I had sent him a simple text last night after we departed, and he didn't answer to it. Which, kind of stung.

Double clicking my fingerprint recognition button my phone opens, displaying my message screen that I'd left open all night. No reply, but I had a snapchat from somebody. I raised my eyebrow, the corner of my lips turning upward as I swiped my notification bar down, clicking on the little purple box. My eyes scanned the name and my heart fluttered.


I went to press the square but I hesitated, staring at my shaky hand that hovered over my screen. Why was I nervous? It was simply a video and it was just Qrow, what could he possibly do? It was probably just an apology anyway.

I inhaled and pressed it, a picture of him with the brown puppy filter popping up with the loading sign spinning around on his forehead. I smile to myself. This was cute. With the filter softening his features, he looked charmingly adorable.

I yawned and grumbled in frustration at the lagging video, swiping down to exit and clicking back on it so it would load. Finally, after what seemed like five excruciating minutes, the whole ten-second video unfolded and I choked on another yawn as it played out. Qrow bit his lip flirtatiously, cocking his head as he winks. I sit up, intrigued, and my chest suddenly feels weighted. His hair is sopping wet, and I soon notice he's in the shower. My guts knotted in aching pleasure, and I feel my heart start to throb. If only he was in my shower...

Arching an eyebrow he tilts the phone down, pointing it at his toned stomach as water drizzled down his tanned skin. My eyes follow the faint line of dark hair starting at his navel and trailing down to below his hips, right where the camera cut off. I huffed in disappointment, crossing my legs beneath the sheets. He knew exactly how and what gets to me, and it drove me crazy. My eyes grazed over his dark-inked tattoo of a bear silhouette on his left peck before he pointed it back up at his face, and he's letting water slowly pool out of his mouth and drip down my chin.

"Like what you see?" He asks in that low, sexy morning voice of his. I let out a groan as I feel every muscle inside of me twitch with lust, and I was tempted to get dressed at this moment, rush over there, pin him to his bed and top him on the spot. But that's not always my goal intention. He could top me, too.

As I watched it disappear into our chats, my pulse pounded in my ears while my lungs flopped around lifelessly in my chest. I cussed out loud, covering my mouth with a hot, shaking hand and look up blankly, gawking at the wall. What did I just watch?

My eyes snapped back down and I pressed the TOUCH AND HOLD TO REPLAY. I needed to see that again.

As I watched it over again I grew harder and harder by the second, and I'm laid on my side, eyes wide as I stared at my window. My sanity was crumbling and with that, manipulating came easy. He was right behind the trigger too after getting me all tied up around his little damn finger.

I opened my camera and pointed it to my hardened length hidden beneath  my sheets, snapped a pic and typed in a fast text:

Its awfully uncomfortable to be sitting here hard at 10 in the mrng. That was totally on purpose

Pressing send, it wasn't long before I got a ding back. I open it and it's a mirror pic, but the mirror is fogged enough so I can't see anything.

Just sent it because I cant kiss you good morning. Any plans today? I'm sooo bored...

I immediately was stuck with a brilliant idea, jabbing my keyboard like life depended on it. I snap him one side of my face, my lip stud visible and everything beneath my eyes.

I just washed my sheets night before last and they're begging to feel you again.

He opens it but doesn't reply. My mood drops. Damnit. Was that too early..?

I watch the seconds increase to minutes, and by the third minute, I finally get a reassuring snap back. Every nerve in my body relaxes and sigh, not hesitating to open it. My whole body goes hot, cold, and sweat develops on my forehead as I study the picture. The skin, the abs, the dark veins beneath it. I can barely make out the words.

You must both crave me equally. In that case, I won't hesitate to join you two.

Reputation: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now