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"So how is this gonna work?" I ask Autumn as she finishes up with her growing sketch on her paper infront of her. She shrugs, her eyes trained on her pencil.

"All in favour of dressing Qrow in a dress and heels for the red carpet say 'I'," Talitha says randomly, her hand shooting in the air as she gives us both blank stares. Autumn and I exchange skeptical glances.

"No." I say flatly, crossing my arms. "I'd kill to see it, but no."

Autumn laughs, rubbing her thumb over a thick line to make a large area grey. I eye it, trying to figure out what she was going for. I knew she could draw, but this... I couldn't tell this time.

"What even is that?" I finally ask, gesturing to her book. She glances up at me.

"Is it any good?" She asks warily.

"Uh, it depends on what you're trying to draw," I tell her. She gives me a dirty look, spinning the paper around in my direction. I study it with narrowed eyes, leaning down close to the paper.

"Was that supposed to do anything?" I slowly ask. Autumn rolls her eyes.

"Yes, it's art," She tells me.

"What's the point of staring for so long it it's just black, grey and manilla?" I ask, tossing my hand in the air.

"I haven't painted it yet, asshole," She snaps, tossing her pencil at me. I squeeze my eyes shut and turn away reflexively, the drawer hitting me in the temple.

"You could've stabbed my eye out!" I exclaim, plucking the small, triangular-shaped pencil off the table and rolling it back across. She slams a hand down on it, glaring at me.

"What are you two bickering over now?" Qrow's voice chuckles from behind me. I spin around, mouth open ready to defend myself, but the words lodged themselves in my throat. I cough, raising my eyebrows in awe. I might as well just laid him down and done him right on the spot in that shirt and tight ass pants.

Qrow fumbled with his dress pants, trying to fit the buttons over his groin and hips.

"You would assume fitting into women's pants would be more simple, but I'm having a bit of trouble-"

"You're struggling," I interrupt, standing up to help him. He gives me an annoyed look. I grunt, threading my index fingers through a belt hoop on each side of his fly. He lifts his black, form-fitting tanktop, looking down at my hands as I try to button them.

"What size did they issue you?" I grunt, kneeling down infront of him as I pulled the sides in. He reaches down and yanks the zipper up, sighing.

"Just a four," He says in a nasal whine. I stand up, bringing the waistband with me. He squeals, hunching over as he lets out a low groan.

"I'm pretty sure you just split my balls," He moans, grabbing onto my bicep as his knees buckle. I grab his sides, straightening his body as everybody laughs from behind him.

"I'm sorry," I apologise, biting the inside of cheek to supress a smile. He only nods, his teeth clamped down on his bottom lip. I easily pull the sides together and can't help but chuckle.

"Well shit," He mutters, pushing the small silver button through the material.

"Are you ready yet?" I ask eagerly. "All you've done is rehearse for this stupid battle for regions."

"I need to find my heels," He says as he swirls around, jogging out into the living room. I snatch the keys off the table beside Autumn, spinning them around on my finger before tossing them into air.

"Well, I'll be in the car and I am driving," I say aloud, turning to Autumn as I show her the keys. She scoffs.

"You're not taking my car, Tripp." She tells me.

Reputation: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now