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The only reason why I didn't feel like getting up out of bed was that I could probably spend the whole day lying there next to Qrow, doing nothing but just holding him, gently rubbing his bicep while playing with his hair.

He always smells so good, his hair scented like my urban Axe deodorant. Maybe he used Axe, I dunno. But I loved it. And if he ever ran out, I would drag myself out in the dead of night to go get him some more. Yes, that might sound overly excessive, but I really, really, reaaally love that smell. 

I'm getting off topic, aren't I?

Anyway, I think the best way to relieve yourself of stress is to train it out. Just settle on a punching bag and hit it as hard and for as long as you can without tiring. That's what I do at home, that's what Qrow does here, (like, four times out of ten) and that's what Autumn only does to real people because she's 'good enough'.


I spent eight years in the New Guard- the Resistance army who is attempting to take over Germany and France by killing tens of thousands of people- and still train to this day. Why, do you ask? Oh, because I know damn well there's always, always gonna be someone who could squash you like a grape beneath their thumb. But of course, I don't tell Autumn that 'cause she's 'too good'.

I dodge an incoming swing from Qrow, using my fist to sweep his out of line. His knuckles graze my ear, making me more aware that he keeps pushing harder and harder, looking for opportunities to hit me. I catch a glimpse of Autumn standing behind Talitha across the room, big orange and yellow muffs pressed against the both of their ears, holding her hand that was wrapped around the grip of a pistol as she taught her to shoot.

You see, the benefits of having Autumn as a friend is that you don't have to pay to go to any dojo or gym to work out or train- she literally has one in the basement. (I mean, I have a workout room, but hers is way better.) And it's not just a floor covered in those blue gym mats where you can play around on and not get hurt. It's a massive floor plan, probably about as big as the upstairs and it. is. awesome. There's one room in the back with grey floor mats, tan punching dummies, and black hanging bags which are used for unarmed combat. The room beside it is just the same, except no dummies or punching bags, just a weapon shelf. For armed combat, of course. Then, the rest of the basement is a... Gun range! That's where the girls spend most of their time, come to think of it, and that's why I never have any time to practice shooting. Autumn said to me at the last shootout these exact words:

'Tripp, how did you even survive the New Guard? You can't shoot for shit.'

Well, that's not what the Myo said after the bullet from my gun was driven straight through her face. It's funny how she picks on me when-

A blow right to my temple sent me right back down to earth, my thoughts suddenly jagged and cloudy. I stumble backwards, shaking away the darkness that crept into vision."Oh shit," Qrow laughs, covering his mouth. "I thought you would block that, I'm sorry."

I have to kneel down for a few seconds to regain my composure. "No, that was totally me," I say, squeezing my eyes shut and whipping my head side to side. I blink rapidly, bouncing on the balls of my bare feet as I raise my fists to my face again. "But that was good," I smile. "A lot of power behind that one. Do it again."

"I don't want to hurt you," He says quietly, dropping his hands to his side.I slump my shoulders, giving him an annoyed look.

"You're not gonna hurt me," I tell him stupidly.

"Tripp, we've been doing this for over an hour-"

"Now, again," I command, my voice sterner this time.

Reputation: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now