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Do Whatcha Wanna- Rebirth Brass Band

Domino- Jessie J

Baby Mama- TrifeDrew

"So you're going to Ezme's frat party tonight?" I ask Qrow as he quickly pads down the stairs, looking him up and down. By the way he was dressed in his tight skinny jeans and crop top, I assumed he was. Qrow nodded, tossing his Vans to the floor. "Only if Tripp isn't."

I gnaw on my bottom lip hesitantly. What am I going to do? Sit here and supervise his kid? Ha. Very funny.

"What about Jhordyn?" I ask. He peers up through his bangs that'd fallen into his eyes when he bent. "What about her? She's not going," He snorts.

"Yeah but you've been locked up in your room for the past week and haven't done anything to help out with your daughter," I say defensively. "What makes you think you can go out and leave me alone with your kid? Again?"

"I mean you were depressed for eleven days after your mom died," He starts. "And that's when Tripp even had to come help take care of the girls."

I felt a knot climb to my throat. My mother. Gone because of us.

As much as I disliked arguing with Qrow, I was not going to let him get the last word in if it included my mom.

"You left me with them for waaaay longer than I did. Besides, Jho's your daughter too." He adds, knotting his shoe twice. My tolerance snapped.

"If you're going to be careless like this and not be able to take guardianship of your child, how about you just put her in a foster home, huh?" I suggest, voice raising. "You're never home, you never do anything to help, and you kind of just lean on me to help you out, Qrow. Honestly, I should've kicked your ass out of here by now because you're a worthless piece of shit."

He recoils, somehow hurt by my statement.

"You have absolutely no right to bring up my mother that died because of you and Tripp's ignorance. That was the only family, besides my sister, that I had left. You don't understand, Qrow," I choke.

"Oh, I certainly understand," He yells, jolting off the couch. "You brought me here because you thought you could use me! I was never anything more than a tool to you, and you took full advantage of that. You dragged me away from my family because you made me think that things would be better here; out in the public where I'm unprotected and exposed. Autumn, I'm the freaking prince  of Germany! Do you know the risks I'm taking? You made it sound like I needed this," He motions around the house with a shaky hand. "but I don't. You used my compassion for you as a hook. I'd much rather be home right about now," Qrow snaps. I didn't like where this was going. I was scared that the girls might overhear us.

"No, I brought you here because I thought you could change and be a good asset to our team, but I soon figured out you're just as stubborn as you were when I first met you," I shout. "Your still self-centred, arrogant, ill-bred, and reckless," I splutter, feeling the veins in my neck descend back into my white skin.

"Honestly, Autumn, there is no way you should've gotten pregnant unless you did something on purpose," He mutters. "because I made sure, made sure, we wouldn't end up in this situation."

My eyes well with frustrated tears. "What are you trying to say?"

"That I didn't want this, okay?" He yells. "I didn't want this life, I didn't want a freaking kid, I didn't want the responsibilities you have managed to swamp me with. All I wanted was to be with you, just you and I, and you fucked it up giving your drunk, ex-fiance a second chance by marrying him! You know how bad I want to be home right now?" He roars, and I fan my face, blinking rapidly to prevent from crying.

"I can't believe you would say such bullshit, Qrow," I cry. "Do you know what you say? It makes me feel like shit," I sniff. "and I know you wanted me more than anything and I'm sorry but I knew you weren't the father type so I went back to Adrien-"

"The drunk?" He interrupts. "The one who ditches you for hours, doesn't tell you what he's up to, the one who is suspectedly having a fucking affair with someone else as we speak?" Qrow is staring at me, eyes narrowed to slits, lip raised. "You wanted that back?"

I took in a long breath to regain my composure after spewing my venom at him. That would be enough for one day. "You don't know that."

He glares at me, his jaw setting sideways as he bit the inside of his cheek. "You are utterly despicable and predictable. I should've seen this coming," He growls, shaking his head.
I came to realize he did that when he longed to say something but wouldn't because he knew how much it would hurt. I only wish I could do that too.

I silently watch as he angrily paces around the house, snatching all of the belongings he needed and stuffing them into his pockets. I tore my eyes away from him and glanced up at the clock. Six thirty, I read to myself, looking back at Qrow. How long did he plan to be out?

"When will you be back?" I ask. He shrugs.

"When I feel like coming back."

I give him an annoyed look. He ignores me and grabs his keys off the pinboard. I pulled my phone out from my back pocket of my jeans, clicking my home button to see if I had any notifications from Adrien to see when he would be home or if Tripp would be over tonight. And as I expected, nothing. Qrow looks away, sighing.

"If Adrien won't be home, text me and I will try to be home around eleven at the latest," Qrow promises, the tension from our short argument still tight in his voice. I arch my eyebrow, setting my hands on my hips. "Ten?"

He bobs his head side to side, the corner of his lips turning downward. "Ten thirty."

"No. That's too late," I grumble. "Well the girls will be in bed by then," He notes, motioning upstairs. "Why do you want me home anyway?"

I tuck my lips against my gums. "Because I want Courtanney and Jhordyn to feel safe, Qrow," I say softly. I watch his expression shift as the words sunk in.

"I'm not like Adrien, Autumn," He tells me after a slow minute. "You made that very clear. I'm just the backup. The second choice. Not the team member but the, 'friend'. I'm not 'tough' or 'strong' like him and Tripp," He forces a small chuckle through his nose, shrugging again. "So, if you need anybody, talk to your piece of shit husband. He's just better than me, anyway."

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