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Pity Party- Melanie Martinez

Taste- Tyga

Five More Minutes- Scotty McCreery

"Okay," Tripp starts, leaning over and pulling open his passenger glovebox in front of my knees. "I need you to put this on," He pulls out a navy blue bandana. "and don't peek."

I eye him warily as I take the material from him. "I can trust you with this, right?" I ask cautiously. To be honest, my whole crew was acting very strange today. Like, they made time for me. Me, of all people. Autumn even paid a sitter to watch the girls so she could go 'take care of something', but I have grown highly suspicious of their generosity.

"I'll let you decide on that one," Tripp laughs. I felt my stomach knot anxiously as I tie the blindfold around my eyes. I feel the car turn a corner, drive only a few yards and then slowly come to a stop.

"Okay, get out of the car but don't go anywhere," he tells me, the sound of his door opening cueing me to move. I stand up and shut my door, soon feeling Tripp's hands on my biceps. I tense.

"Honestly, you're really freaking me out..." I whimper. "Please tell me this isn't some warehouse in the middle of nowhere where you're going to gut me like a fish and leave me to bleed out."

Tripp cackles from behind me. "Only if you let it."

With his answers, I really felt like I was going to die tonight. In the worst way possible. Like, Tripp ties me in a straight jacket and tosses me into a pool of milk worst way possible.

"Okay, there's a small step," Tripp tells me, moving in front of me and grabbing my hand to lead me. I let out a nervous giggle, outstretching my arms to feel around.
"Okay," He inhales deeply, grabbing my wrist and pulling me forward.

"Find the door handle and open it," He commands, pressing my hand to, what I am assuming, a door. I slide my hand down the sun-warmed wood, tracing the trim until my fingertips find the cool metal.

"Good, good," Tripp says excitedly. "Now open it."

My heart pounded in my temples as I wrapped my hand around the knob, the sweat in my palms making it slick. I grip it tighter and it turns, my heart skipping a beat. Tripp's hands press to my lower back and usher me inside, the toe of my shoe catching on the lower frame. I stumble but catch myself, letting out a shaky breath. I was so nervous. Tripp had taken away one of my senses and then expects me to find my way around with just his voice? Sight is my best strength! They don't call me 'Sharpshooter' for the ring of it...

"Now take off your blindfold," He whispers. I reach up and slowly remove the cloth, but before I could get it all the way off, a loud, unionized 'SURPRISE!' startled me, making me flinch. I look up to see my teammates and friends lined up along the second-floor, cheering and whistling. Autumn bounds up to me, throwing her arms around my neck and placing a big, sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"Happy birthday," She says into my shoulder as I give her a hug back. My eyes widened as something in my head clicked into place. Everything finally made sense now.
"Wait," I spin around to face Tripp again. "It's my birthday?!"

I earn a round of loud laughter.

"Yes!" Him and Autumn both exclaim. I cover my mouth with a trembling hand, the adrenaline from the secret surprise rushing through my bloodstream.

"I honestly had no idea," I say, voice breaking. "You guys seriously did this for me?"
Tears welled in my eyes as I looked over all the faces that had travelled to accompany me. I saw Jerzei and Talitha, Summer and her boyfriend, Ezme, a few people from work, and...

My sister, Allesendi. Walking right towards me, smiling.

I gasp, stumbling backwards. How in the world did she manage to escape the castle just to come to see me?
I heard a loud female voice dismiss the crowd, and bodies pushed past us to let us have privacy.
"I'll be in the kitchen," Tripp whispers into my ear as his fingers trace along the back of my shirt collar. I nod, turning back to Allie.

"Oh my god," I chuckle, letting out an astonished breath. Wow, wow, wow.

"A-Allie," I choke as she wraps her arms around my waist. She lets out a short sob into my shoulder. I switched back over to German, remembering that was the only language she understood.
"You and him huh?" She questions, sniffing as we both laugh.
"Yeah," I admit, flicking my own tears off my cheek. "Who knew, right?"
We share another laugh and she pulls me closer again, and I'm suddenly aware of the pressure pushed up against my stomach. I ignore it and inhale deeply, taking in her rose aroma I found odd to smell now.

"Y-You just left without saying anything and we were all so scared," She continues, finally pulling away.

It was weird to see her in civilian clothes aside from tight gowns. I've never even seen her arms or legs before.

"I know," I say softly, running my fingers through her long, black hair. She stares at me with big, blue, tear-filled eyes and I immediately see myself in her. I cup her cheek and she leans into it, closing her eyes. I let my eyes fall over her body, locking onto the protruding area where her shirt tightened against her skin. My jaw dropped.

"And you're pregnant now?" I shriek. She tosses her head back, laughing. "Yes," She sighs. "married off to that ratchet Lord across the isle," She rolls her eyes, smiling. "But I love him very much."

I chuckle, wiping under her eyes with my thumb as I lead her into the kitchen.

"So," She sneers. "Who's the male?"

Geez, I thought. I never want to go back to formal German.

"Oh, Tripp?" I ask, feeling my cheeks warm. "Yeaaah... That's my boyfriend," I confess. She makes an 'ooooh' sound, nudging me with her hip.

"What is this, 'yeah'?" She teases. "What would the royals think of you now?"

"Now?" I echo. "I've always been a tease, waking up in the wrong bed, smuggling girls out of their chambers, sneaking out into the village," I list off. "Now? I assume they keep me chained in my own rooms," I tell her.

"Of course not," Allesendi smirks. "I believe they would just toss you in, I do," She says, straightening upright as I wave Tripp over. He walks right up to me and presses his lips to mine, catching me totally off guard.

No shame, this man.

"Tripp," I mumble through our lips. He pulls away. "Hm?"
"This is my sister, Allesendi," I tell him, feeling my face flush in embarrassment.

"Hey," He chuckles, outstretching his hand to her. She makes a disgusted face as she stares at it. My breath catches in my nose. Oh no.

Allie gives me an alarmed look and I quickly push Tripp's arm back down to his side. He gives me a confused look.

"Shaking hands where I come from is a secret sign that means you want to fuck," I whisper quietly into his ear. He snorts a laugh. I snap back to Allesendi.

"S-Sorry," I stammer. "He doesn't know... it means to greet here. It's not what you think," I explain. Her face remains untouched as she wipes her hands on her jeans, slowly turning away on her heel. I look over my shoulder, glaring at him.

"Allie," I call, reaching for her shoulder. "He's not native, okay?" I tell her. "He is... different. Just please give him a chance?"
She groans, turning back around and retracing her steps. She outstretches her hand, grimacing as he takes it and gently shakes it.

"Sorry," tripp apologizes, and I'm surprised at his bombshell. Tripp? Speaking German? Since when?

"It is okay," She beams. "Nice to meet you. I am Allesendi, Qrow's older-" She turns to give me a hard stare. "-sister."

"Ah, yes, I've heard alot about you," He smiles, and I get butterflies. "I'm Tripp."

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