Ch 69: What a Novelty That is

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Red POV:

Zander and I had ended our...Rustic dinner with idle chatter as we cuddled by the fire.

Kissing between wedding plans and my sharing decorating ideas for the house.

It was peaceful, sweet, a delicate moment with my future husband.

Which he naturally ruined by opening his mouth one too many times and suggesting we extend an invite to his friend Thalia.

They grew up together he says.

He supported her rising to alpha despite her gender.

She would like to see him happy. He thinks.

The soft smile I wore had melted into a frown before long.

He assured me if I got to know Thalia and vise-versa then all would be well.

...which is how I ended up here, with the whore dog across from me during my mid morning tea.

I stared at the wolf woman Thalia as she stared at the china tea cup in front of her. "Since when does Zander own a china tea set?"

I blinked "is that a surprise?"

He has owned one for as long as I have known. Several actually.

Her Orange, nearly red, gaze looked me over, "with the new addition to his life I suppose not."

I pretended not to notice the irritation in her voice.

I already knew what issue she has taken with my presence.

Instead of giving her a reaction she desired I sipped at my vanilla mint tea. "I noticed you have no mate, Thalia, Zander tells me you are still searching."

He did. Last night. Several times as a way of assuring me there was no way she held interest in him.

I did jot believe that for a second. Zander had told me she has yet to meet her mate but is searching.

I am not foolish enough to believe the only female alpha would risk giving up her power for a man.

She and i stared at one another for a long moment. "Is there something you want to tell me Red?"

I just smiled softly at her, "I admire the vicious nature that ripples through your very being. But it is distasteful you cannot hide it."

Thalias eyes narrowed, "I never liked how you humans dance around questions."

I snapped my fan, "Hypocrisy from the woman who did not answer my own question."

"I am...searching."

"For your mate..?" I snapped it back closed, "Or the man to replace him?"

She froze, completely and utterly, low growl resonating in her throat. "You are smarter than you look little girl. My mate was too week to run my pack so I rejected him."

I placed my teacup down, "in the hopes that Zander would take notice of you seeing he had yet to find his mate as well."

Her jaw set.

"You looked pretty the first day you arrived here." I smiled, giggling softly, "too bad he found me."

Dishes clattered, she growled as she stood. "How dare you talk to me like that you overly indulged little girl!"

I didnt even blink, "I can see why you wanted him, he's a strong man. Attractive for a wolf, fair, kind to his people. Powerful..." my eyes narrowed on her, "Mine."

She snarled, "you cannot say he is yours Red you wont even touch him. He isn't yours until your scents mix and you mate him."

I hummed, "how barbaric. Sit down Thalia. Alpha Zander Stonewood won't even spare you a second glance so long as my cute self is in his life. I suggest you try to reconnect with your mate."

She barked out a harsh laugh, "you will never make a good alpha female, he will realize that eventually after whatever this," she gestured to me, "distracting facade looses it novelty."

"Nor would you." I countered, "Zander is kind but he is also a very dominant man. It would be a constant battle. You want your power. He would not step back from his role. A role you are used to preforming in your own pack."

She scoffed, "you don't know our kind Red. Not truly. Did you invite me to this stupidly frivolous thing to challenge me."

I took a sip of my tea, "no. I invited you as per Zanders request. He wishes you to attend our wedding and wishes we might get along."

"That will never happen."

"Agreed. If he pushes for an invite I will send one. Do not even think of coming lest I poison your champagne, hors d'oeuvres, and slice of wedding cake. We are going with Apple by the way. I am thinking of growing my hair a bit longer so I can do a lovely intricate style with apple blossoms. Zander, darling that he is, would be quite willing to see that novelty as you say."

She took a menacing step forward, "you-"

"Red gorgeous how are you?" Zander opened the door to the sunroom.

Thalia was back in her seat quicker than I thought possible.

He smiled at us both, "sorry ladies but the first meeting needs to start soon..and we are already missing one Alpha for the time being." His gaze went to the whore. "I don't mean to cut your tea short but-"

She rose slowly, "its fine Zander. Let us begin.

I could see the curiosity and slight worry as his gaze flickered between us.

I nearly sighed, the foolish dog really wishes us to get along. "Thalia. This is my daily routine feel free to join me anytime you like."

She grunted and kept walking toward the door.

Zander frowned at her back before leaning over and kissing the top of my head, murmuring softly, "thank you Red and if Thalia is not up for it say the word and I would be more than happy to join you."

A smile curved at my lip as I sipped my tea watching him start after the wolf woman.

She was looking rather tense.

What a novelty that is.

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