Ch 46: Angel

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Red POV:

As it turns out wolf maids have just as loose lips as human ones.

Because somehow as I worked on the balm for Zanders hands i was surrounded by curious dogs.

Thank god I had the mind to put my petticoats back on.

One of the younger looking wolves peered at all the plants upon the parlor table, "whats that one for?"

I glanced at him. "Cliffmarsh moss is for when I dress the wound. Most kitchens keep it because it makes for a great scrubber and soaks up foul odors in the air. Unknown to most, including healers also helps ward off infections. I discovered such on accident when I was a child trying to develop a way to poison people through contact with objects. Most poisons you see lose their effects within minutes when exposed to open air and no warm body to hide in. Moss is plenty absorbent. Unfortunately I was attempting a poison that caused infections. Which the moss then fought."

The wolf blinked a me, "why a poison that causes infections."

I smiled sweetly, "I wanted the people I had intended it for to suffer a great deal for many weeks before their painful death." Turning away from him I threw a few ingredients into my mortar before grinding them with the pestle. "Zander this will likely sting a bit but then it should grow cool."

The alpha male just watched me carefully, "your strangely beautiful when concocting your strange potions."

"Actually this will be a paste...and I am four times more beautiful when I'm creating my poisons. They are my passion. Where is the honey?"

The maid from earlier piped up, "in the container by your tea."

I blinked, "why is it with the tea? Lapsang and honey can be utterly dreadful its for the medicine. Honey is nearly as wonderful as soy for burns. And a spoonful eases a sore throat quite well."

Zander smiled down at me For someone who hates healing you are quite adept with it."

"Of course I am. I am the best healer in the kingdom. One must learn what aids the body so they may bypass it and destroy the victim. I do not heal by choice, it is utterly useless we all die anyways."

"Well." Zander drawled, "I appreciate your aid."

I blushed a bit, "as you should, this should not even scar."

A woman in the group gasped a bit, "no scar from silver burns? Oh that will be so very helpful when you become alpha female perhaps you can teach the pack healers."

"And why," I peered at her through my lashes, "would I ever do that?"

"Well..." she hesitated, "we have so many members you cannot possibly heal everything, you will be much too busy with pack business."

"Did I not just say I do not heal?"

Zander sighed a bit, "Red. She is just excited."

"And did I not tell you Zander. I was interested in healing you, this once. After this, these Ingredients in these quantities will never be put to use again."

The room was utterly silent.

Zanders soft voice broke through the air, "but Red, what if I am stabbed by one of your guards silver blades, would you not aid me?"

I paused, "...Perhaps I would."

"My pack, Red, is my entire life. I feel it physically every time one of them dies, Alphas feel the link sever Little Red. There are two things in this world I would die for."

I hummed adding more to the motar and pestel, "and what would those be?"

"My pack of course, and you."

My face flushed, "this is hardly an appropriate conversation for so many ears."

"Red." He chuckled, "we are wolves privacy is not exactly a concern."

I huffed but said nothing for a moment, adding the honey to the balm, "yes well. I am not a wolf. Now, the bandages should be changed every 2 and a half to 3 hours until tomorrow morning. They are small burns so Coupled with wolves healing you should be fine by tomorrow afternoon at the latest. You are an alpha after all."

He hummed watching as I applied the balm to his wounds, "you never answered my question."

"Perhaps them too. If it were that dire. But for every life I saved I would expect a new dress in return."

He chuckled, "Red, I would buy you 100 dresses for every pack member you saved if that is your price."

I smiled a bit, "is it burning at all."

"A bit."

"Good." I began wrapping the bandages over his hands, "let me know when it cools. The salve should be re applied every other bandage change."

"Would you stay to make sure its done properly?"

"For the majority of the day, yes. Over night, you would certainly need to be on the brink of death."

"Another time then."

I huffed, "I should hope not."

Chuckling he leaned down and did the most audacious think.

He kissed me, murmuring against my lips, "who knew The Vermilion Demon is truly such an angel."

I pulled away, huffing haughtily, "I did. Why else would my work guide people to their god or gods?"

His laugh boomed through the room, "you are truly adorable my dear."

I bit my tongue against telling him I already knew that, and continued to wrap the bandages.

But honestly he did pay me a compliment. "Zander."


"Despite what the prince says... I think you can be rather charming." I felt my face grow hot, "sometimes."

He just smiled.

I frowned at him, "do not get a big head you are still a fool."

His smile turned to smirk, "a charming one though."

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