Ch 79: Apex Predator

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Zander POV

Red was in fact, not fine.

She listed quietly next to me as the situation was explained. An abnormally large amount of rogue wolves had entered the territory, Isa had been attacked by one but saved by one of my scouts.

Her leg was injured and her hands, but she would recover.

The other Alphas were just as on edge as I was, it wasn't normal for rouge wolves to gather like this. They were not in their right mind, run strictly by instinct, and extremely violent.

None of us had seen this before.

And as we discussed this, Red wondered off and instructed the packs doctors on exactly how to care for Isa.

I could tell the elder doctor wasn't pleased to be talked down to, as red often did, yet the younger was taking notes vigorously, looking fascinated.

"Red." I called, "our doctors are great they will take good care of her."

If looks could kill, my mate would have done me in. "I am a genius."

Modest as always, my mate, "I know beautiful but we need to worry about fighting right now."

She just stared and repeated herself, "I am a genius. They are not."


"I am instructing them on better care than they currently have, blessings them with a salve that I developed strictly for the royal family. I shall join you after and slaughter each useless dog who thought to ruin tea time."

"Tea time?" Alpha Shazar asked.

I sighed a bit, "she was due for tea with Isa tomorrow... Red doesn't take well to having tea interrupted." I glanced the basket in Reds hand and then at the gathered Alphas, "I recommend staying out of her way when we are fighting... sometimes off with her and I doubt she will explain with anything other than deadly force."

By now they had for the most part realized that Red more than lived up to her nicknames, so there wasn't any verbal protest to my recommendation.


She was silent as we fanned out in the woods, hopping gently over stones, her wide eyes sharp.

If it wasn't for the flash of silver with each little hop and the fact that her footsteps were practically silent even to my ears, I would barely realize she was on the hunt.

Sometimes I forget because I know Red, but its moments like this I realize that that small fluffy woman I love to cuddle is by all means an apex predator.

Although she doesn't allow me to forget for long, I'm always in awe when I remember.

I tore my eyes from her as a twig snapped to her right, right before a rabid rogue burst from the paths tree line.

I expected Red to stab it precise,likely ending in one go, as I know she can.

But I also often forget that my mate is also a complete psychopath.

So it shouldn't have surprised me when she exploded in a fluffy ball of fury.

It shouldn't have surprised me when she pulled a scone from her basket and literally pried open the rogue wolfs muzzle and shoved the scone down its throat screaming, "YOU WORTHLESS FILTH DOG HOW DARE YOU RUIN MY TEA TIME WITH ISA!" Before stabbing it in the eye as it began convulsions, blood practically pouring from its mouth and throat.

It really should not have been any surprise at all that when that sound attracted another rogue she did it again.

And again.

And again.

The other alphas that came at the sound of the commotion had the right to be surprised.

But I really should have expected this.

I scratched the back of my head as the pile of dead wolves grew, "well fuck. She's going to be difficult when she realizes her dress got ruined. No one try and help her she needs a moment."

"THATS YOUR CONCERN?!" Thalia practically screamed as when she ran out of scones Red simply began slashing through pack-less wolves like butter. "She's insane Zander."

Red threw a knife at Thalia without even looking as she hopped up, used a tree branch to vault herself in the air and on top of a rogue, forcing another to attack it before effectively killing them both.

"She's really a demon." One of the alphas muttered as Red killed the last wolf to arrive.

I opted to ignore that because he wasn't exactly wrong.

Red spun on her heels, offering me her closed eyed smile, absolutely covered in blood, "I bet there is more filth to exterminate, why are you all standing there like completely useless fools?"

"Simply in awe of you little mate." I replied, "although you're dress is ruined."

Those blue eyes opened to reveal the absolutely bloodlust in them, "then I suppose the filth must pay for dirtying me. I shall meet you later Zan-Zan."

She spun on her heels, footsteps silent once more as she disappeared into the forest.

"Alright!" I called after her, "shout if you need anything little Red."

She paused for a moment to look back at me, blush rising in her cheeks, "I shall. Likewise to you."

With that she was gone.

I laughed a little as we looked over the carnage, "well I feel both useless and loved."

"Your mate is terrifying." Mikar Nightengale stated obviously.

"Yeah." I hummed, "and she wanted your daughter dead once. So please remember that if she truly wanted her or Alpha Shariam dead, they would be, she's been irked at being underestimated and seems to have reached a breaking point."

With that less than subtle reminder we all went our separate ways as originally planned, although this time with the unspoken agreement to leave the rampaging red head alone if we meet her again.

Shes in a mood and who knows what she will do when out of actual enemies, my little psycho.

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