Ch 27: Careless Things

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Red POV:

I had spent the night staring at the wall as to not begin crying over that stupid wolf man.

A few traitorous tears escaped.

He was so very mean to me and I had not even tried killing him.

And because of him I was not only late to a meeting with Prince Julius this morning but my eyes were dreadfully puffy. It was a hideous imperfection on my otherwise adorable face.

And of course it did not go un noticed.

The second the prince turned to me as I walked into his study he paused, "are you well Red?"

I nodded, "I am fine my prince."

He frowned at me, "are you certain, your eyes are rimmed with red, if you are feeling unwell you could have sent a maid to reschedule our meeting, you never take time off Red, I would hate to make you sick."

I hesitated a moment as he searched my face, "forgive me if I step over the line Prince Julius but may I ask a question?"

"Of course Red, it is just you and I, there is no need to be so formal."

"Have you ever had a lover?"

He choked on his tea. "Pardon?"

I tilted my head to the side, "perhaps lover is a strong word. Have you ever courted anyone?"

He quickly regained his composure, "I hardly have the time Red, you know that. There have been a few ladies who caught my interest but as crown prince I must take caution with my matches."

I nodded once, sitting across from him.

"Red if you continue to naw on your pretty little lip like that you will chew it right off. Tell me what is it that ails your cute self."

"Would you ever tell the woman you are courting that she is vain?"

"I dont see why I would. It is improper to speak so plainly and rudely to a lady even if it were true." His brows furrowed, "what is this all about Red?"

"I truly should not pester you with my silly problems."

He just rose a brow, "Red. I insist. This is clearly bothering you."

I blushed lightly staring at the table, "I...someone has recently began courting me."

The room was deathly silent.

I peered at the prince through my lashes, brow furrowing at what I saw. He looked rather...angry. "...prince Julius?"

He looked away from me, jaw working, "you found someone you think is worthy of you and all your graceful cuteness?"

I sighed, "I was unsure but I have actually grown somewhat fond of this man in the past month. I do not positively detest him, nor do I wish to test my poisons on him until he bleeds from his eyes." I paused, "If i were to kill him, I would like it to be swift, perhaps nearly painless."

"A month? Red you have been seeing this man for a month? How has no one in the palace spoken of this, surely whomever chaperones the two-" he cut himself off, going pale, "you are taking along a chaperone on your outings correct. It has just occurred to me that perhaps your guardian in the Scarlet Guard never taught you the importance of courting etiquette. They are not exactly good at those sort of teachings. Red if word got out that you were seeing a man without a chaperone you would be ruined."

I puffed out my cheeks, "I am not a fool."

His face softened, "I know red."

Besides I would be ruined based on whom he is alone. But the prince seemed rather unsettled, "we used a...chaperone of his. Lovely older woman."

He at least looked relieved at the idea. "Good. Good. Tell me then, did he call you vain?"

I nodded once pouting, "I do not understand what had happened, a few hours previously we were kissing and he asked me for dinner. When I arrived he was unusually aloof and cold, and we ended up having a dreadful spat."

The prince was red in the face, "kissing? Red, he has not yet announced his intentions to the royal house, you are a ward of the guard any suitor must announce their intent for you there to your former guardian you know this!"

I pouted more, "I am aware. It was just all very sudden. The kiss."

"He is defiling you by doing such careless things."

I hung my head a bit, ashamed of my own actions. "You must think me a harlot."

He sighed heavily, "god no Red, I could never think ill of you. I do not like that some strange man presumes to kiss you without even stating his intent."


"You said there was a spat? He had not partaken in too much wine had he? Some men can get nasty under the drink."

I shook my head, "he was not drunk. Just angry. It was very confusing."

"Do you intend to end his courting of you?"

I hesitated, "i told him to go die."

"You tell that to lots of people."

"....I do not think I would like to continue allowing his courtship of me. But.." I frowned, "my chest aches at the thought of not seeing him again. And I do not like that either."

The prince looked tired and overall distressed. "I do not like any of this. But if you intend on allowing him anywhere near you again Red I insist you bring a chaperone from here. And he must state his intent with your former guardian."

That would not be possible. But he looks so very upset right now, all I could do was nod. "...he refused my rose Croissants."

The prince scowled, "he is a fool and I really do not like the idea of him seeing you. He does not deserve you if he can refuse you a single thing. You are much too good for him."

I giggled a bit, "you do not know him."

"I know that no man will ever been good enough for your cute self Red. That is all that matters."

I smiled a bit, happy to have had this conversation.

The prince is right, I am much too cute for this and I deserve the very best.

If Zander cannot offer the best and if he cannot understand how cute I am,

Then he may rut with some big ugly she wolf with no sense of elegance.

And then I will kill him, and his entire pack slowly and very much painfully for my burdens.

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