Ch 36: Ten Steps Closer

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Zander POV:

"Something's wrong with Red."

Maddox looked at me strangely "something new?"

I scowled, "nothing is wrong with her but she's acting strangely. Shes quiet."

"Zander...shes always quiet its just that she responds to you."

"Thats not what i mean.. she was to have tea with me before she left-"

"That reminds me. Nilana says you need to stop buying tea. We have enough different teas for the entire pack for a year because your mate likes it."

Huffing I shook my head, "shes always asking for these insane teas...I enjoy her surprise when we have them. Tell Nilana thats not going to happen." I sighed, "thats not the point. She was strangely aloof."

He cocked a brow, "And she's normally warm and fuzzy?"

"No. Warm isn't really Red's thing. But she's not like this. Lately she has been cozying up to me slowly in her own way."


I scowled at the man as he opened a bottle of scotch, "yes really. when we are alone she finds very little complaint at my touch."

He hummed.

"The Red from when we first met would not allow me nearly as far up her skirts as she has."

He spat out his drink, "the devil girl is actually letting you touch her?"

"Well.." I rubbed the back of my neck, "Not really touch her in such an intimate way...but nearly. She is warming to me Maddox and yet today after training when I returned to her it was as if we had taken six steps backwards."

The wolf sat across from me in the study, offering the bottle, "I see...Zander..Its been a bit since meeting Red. the alphas are coming soon... As is the full moon. Are you not worried?"

Scoffing I took the bottle from him, honestly, I needed a drink and a glass wouldn't do right now. "Of course I'm worried. If it were up to me Red and I would be mated and she would have my first pup in her belly. But it is not my decision. She is fixated on her post as a guardsman she is not interested in leaving to play alpha female. And as for the full moon, I simply will not shift. I know very well letting my wolf half in charge means finding myself with Red. and with how our kinds tends to behave that night, such a thing is dangerous."

"then what will you do Zander. we both know another woman is out of the question."

"Suffer." I laughed bitterly, "dream about a very pretty red haired girl and her hidden curves."

He guffawed, "she has you wrapped right around her tiny little finger."

"She does. she truly does and gods I love it Ox you have no idea how wonderful it is just to have her gaze upon me."

"Forgive me Zander but I do not think I would like her gaze anywhere near me, from my understanding it is the equivalent to certain death when that girls icy eyes set upon someone."

I chuckled, "true. True. Can you imagine though? Those beautiful eyes set upon our enemies?"

"They would surely take ten steps closer, have a tart and run for the hills when men start falling."

I laughed a bit more, "that they would. Gods I adore her Maddox she is precious as the finest of gems."

"Then, my friend, may I suggest finding out why she shied away."

"I was hoping to simply lure her back with something cute."

"Impossible without knowing why she became like that, nothing will truly be solved."

I sighed taking a long drink from the bottle, he doesn't quite get it. Red is a ball of secrets with the defenses of three kingdoms, inquiry is no simple task with her. "This would have been so much easier if human women were not so attached to their virginity and their men were not so obsessed with virginal brides."

Maddox smirked, "feeling restless without a pretty girl to warm your bed."

I snorted, "I have gotten used to that by now. Its the knowledge if I just got my pretty girl beneath my sheets she wouldn't be so difficult."

He chuckled, "confident that she would be more submissive after you've had her?"

"No. Thats never going to happen." I grinned, "but i am confident she's not going to want to leave my bed afterwards and demand that I see to it not to neglect my full attention on her."

"You my friend are absolutely smitten."

"That I am. Perhaps I should show her that more. I'll have flowers or something sent to her home."

He shook his head, obviously amused, "I honestly cannot understand the appeal of that woman."

"Well good, I would hate to have to kill you."

"You really do need to mate her before your wolf half gets far too territorial. She hasn't spent much time with other males Zander but now you are going to allow her to wonder around taking to other alpha males unmated I was honestly shocked you were so easy to allow it."

I was utterly silent.

" didn't even think about that did you?"

" I didn't. Shit. Im probably going to start a war between packs if I dont make Red properly mine and she wonders off talking to different alphas. And I know she will want to observe them at the very least. I am so royally fucked."

"No kidding?"

"How the hell do I convince her to fully be mine within two weeks?"

Maddox sighed, "my best suggestion is to just drink more and hope you forget this conversation because shes most certainly not going to be on board with that."

Fuck it. I took another drink, "woman is going to make me a drunk."

"Likely the nicest way shes ruined a mans life. Most fun too."

I chuckled, "you are a terrible Beta sometimes Ox."

"But an excellent friend."

I grinned at the man, "that you are."

Picking up another bottle he cracked it open, "seriously though what even is so appealing about her? Shes an evil child."

"I am not nearly drunk enough to explain that to you, nor am I nearly drunk to let insults to her pass. Never will be drunk enough for that."

He nodded, "I do wish she was kinder to you though."

"She is. In her own way." I shook my head sadly, "I just think she doesn't know how to be warm or truly nice to anyone but that damn Prince of hers and even then, I doubt she shows it much." Pausing I thought this over, "although I bet he gets to see her smile quite often. Fuck I hate that spoilt corrupted family."

And not entirely all for the right reasons.

Not entirely because they do little for their people and everything for their benefit.

But because one of them is likely the only person standing in my way of sweeping Red off her feet and away from that gaudy palace.

A Dash of DemiseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon