Ch 8: Demonic Little Liar

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Zander POV:

I got to Red at the same time Marshal did.

We were on separate sides of the path, he in wolf form I in human.

He jumped onto the path the moment Red sipped up to where we were, snarling in front of her, hackles raise.

I felt a growl rumble in my chest as the rest of the wolves followed, watching the pair carefully.

 despite the danger, Red didn't pay them any mind. She just smiled sweetly at the angry beast, eyes brushing over me as I stepped onto the path. "Red.." I rumbled, "Back so soon?"

She turned a bit to me, I could see bits of wolf fur peaking out from inside her cloak, "Mr wolf." She giggled, "its my day off, I decided to pay Isadora another visit. I even made tarts, see."

She shrugged the cloak away from her front, revealing the small cub.

He was licking a cream from a tart shell.

My blood ran cold, "Red...he's just a child. what did you give him?"

Another little laugh, "I gave him a lemon tart silly, I think he likes it." 

A small growl ripped through my chest, "Did you poison that pup?"

Marshal snarled wildly, stalking toward the small woman.

I made a point to place myself between them, shooting the grey wolf a warning glare.

He backed down a bit. Red cocked her head to the side watching us, "The puppy is cute, I don't make a habit of hurting cute things and I told you. next time, I wouldn't try to poison the old lady." she ran a hand over the pups head before reaching into her skirts and pulling out one of her silver daggers, "Is it yours? if it is...I wonder what sort of face you would make if I slit its fuzzy little throat."

Louder growls, this time from every wolf around us. 

"Its not mine red. I don't have children."

She ticked, that cute facade she held falling away for a few seconds, "pity. I would have liked to see you in devastating emotional pain."

My inner wolf cringed a bit at that, the fact that our mate so desperately wanted to see us hurt. "He belongs to the angry wolf behind me. The pups name is Devon, his fathers is Marshal. He has a mother back home pregnant with twins."

She rocked on her feet, cuddling devon a bit, "more mutts...but I will say. she makes very cute puppies."

I nodded a bit, approaching them carefully, "hey Red, that knife ruins that cute picture of you with the puppy."

she blinked twice at me, "it does not, I'm always cute."

I smirked. I knew she wouldn't take to the idea of being anything but cute. "true, but you would be even cuter without it." 

Her eyes narrowed at me as I reached out but she didn't move. 

Well not until our hands touched and sparks flew up my spine, my wolf growing restless in my mind to just pull her to my chest.

But I really don't feel like being stabbed. 

She lurched back at the contact, sneering a bit before he face returned to that perfect little doll look. Her cheeks puffed out, "I told you to die. why are you still alive? Go die I don't like the tingles."

Okay..I couldn't help myself. She was just somehow so erotic looking, staring up at me with those wide blue eyes and little pout. I smirked, "give me 5 minutes alone with you and I can make you love them."

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