Ch 22: Who Wants to Kill the Scarlet Guardsman?

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Zander POV:

"You are a bitch to a wolf Red, is that how you survive these woods? Get upon your hands and knees for these creatures prince Julius wi-"

I cut off the idiotic mortal with a snarl as Reds cheeks tinted from either embarrassment or anger. Slowly she placed a small hand on my arm, rubbing my skin in soothing motions.

I was surprised to find myself calming the wolf in me receding, "now now Zander I can handle my own pests."

My response was a rather gruff, "I know." The grow still not quite gone.

He insulted my mate in such a way, he shouldn't still be breathing. Humans regard what they refer to as 'bitches to wolves' lowest of all. Some even lower than the wolf people themselves. They at least acknowledge the power my kind holds.

Red does not deserve to be insulted in such a way.

She is no whore, she has displayed nothing but grace and dignity since the second I met her.

Still stroking my arm, almost unconsciously she sighed softly, as if content, "well if that were the case I would say I picked a fine one do you not agree? These are his woods after all."

Her lips curled up as the man processed this coming to a realization. "You-"

She twirled her dagger in her fingers, "If you are about to use more foul language in my presence Krouger I must remind you that I will beat you for it before you die. I liked you I truly did. You were not an awful guard to our prince for that you shall be granted a swift demise. I cannot allow you to live, Im sure you understand."

He sneered at her, "You dishonor the crown by whoring with a dog Red."

This gave her pause the knife stilling for a moment, "I am aware which is why my prince must never know and you must die. I shall not disappoint him."

The guard shook his head looking around, "so you allow the wolves to spy upon him instead."

"They were just leaving. Zander." Her big blue eyes turned upon me, "Would you mind being a dear and taking his body with you when you go?"

I would prefer kissing that ever present pout to her lips. But how could I say no? I want him dead anyways and do not wish for her to have any consequence. "I or one of my wolves could always dig our claws into him and leave him here for another of your men to find if you wish to grant him a guards burial."

The guardsmen has their own burial rituals and if Red said that he wasn't terrible that would mean by normal standards he was quite well adept at what he does. Red may not want him to live but perhaps she would like to honor her subordinate through burial.

Her lips parted as she gazed up at me, "you would don't that for me?"

"Of course Red, you are mine and I want nothing more than to make your life easier and as enjoyable as possible."

There was something flickering in her eyes that I didn't quite recognize at first, so used to the coldness normally there.


Red was lusting after me because I offered to maul someone for her so she could keep her reputation and properly bury the body.

It was a slowly burning fire behind her eyes, her scent growing slightly stronger.

Of course this would be what got Red to take more notice of me. To her her reputation is everything.

Why did I not think to express my willingness to protect that in any way as well before?

"Thank you Zander that would be lovely."

I took her tiny hand and kissed it lightly, gesturing one of my pack members to restrain the man from speaking or calling for help, "of course."

She hesitated for just a moment before standing on her toes wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me down so she could slant her lips over my own.

I nearly groaned at the contact.

But honestly I couldn't turn to complete mush for Red in front of my pack. I pulled away slightly lips brushing hers as I spoke, "Come to the pack grounds tonight for dinner."

It wasn't a question.

We both knew it. Anyone who else may have heard knew it.

I had quite literally just ordered Red to my abode. It had not been my original intention, but the alpha in me would not take no for an answer not after her delicious display of affection and submissive sweetness.

Because that's exactly what my wolf side is taking this as, her allowing me to take care of the problem when she otherwise wouldn't, submission.

But I was unsure how she would react to the command.

As it turned out, quite well. She hummed kissing me again, "okay."

It took severe effort to not just whisk her away now and claim her as mine.

She accepted dinner. Not a romp in the woods.

Although the way her fingers skimmed my chest is beginning to tell an entirely different story.

I needed to reign myself in and the way her tongue was tracing the seam of my lips was of no help.

I growled lowly allowing her entrance, her curiosity only making things more difficult for me.

I have plenty for her to explore but I would rather not terrify her.

So reluctantly I pulled away, "go have some tea with them Red, I will take care of this problem."

She blinked up at me eyes hazy, "I cannot have tea, I am here merely to guard."

She sounded almost sad.

As if the lack of tea was a great loss to her.

"Then tonight, I will be sure there is some for you."

She blushed slightly before nodding and dashing off back into the clearing.

I looked over at the guard, "so. Who wants to kill the Scarlet Guardsman?"

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