Ch 31: Calm

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A/N: so this is totally a fluff filler ch LOL

Zander POV:

I admittedly took advantage of Reds distraction.

Seeing me half naked dazed her. So I led her somewhere much more private.

And then I pressed her against the wall, devouring her lips, swallowing her moans and whimpers.

I will admit I was less than polite with my hands, feeling the stays of her corset beneath her dress. Trailing her garters after I ran out if fabric.

Then I brought her legs around my waist, growling lowly as she pressed herself against me.

I hate corsets.

Absolutely despise them. If not for her corset i would be able to feel the soft press of her chest and stomach.

Gods I wanted that.

If I could not have her name, then a taste. A taste of her skin, the softness beneath my fingertips.

She did not protest when my hands skimmed under her dress, under her petticoats.

I groaned into her as a gripped her thighs.

Soft. Powerful. Fucking luscious.

Both the animal and the man in me wanted more, I wanted to strip her down and see that perfect ivory skin against the olive tan of my own, to press every inch of my muscled flesh against the soft curves of her body.

To feel her arch into me and her surprisingly powerful thighs clench around me.

I couldn't help my low chuckle as my fingers skimmed her undergarments. "Red...these are hardly appropriate for a woman of your standing."

She panted, eyes foggy and fingers in my hair, "longer bloomers are hideous for my frame. I prefer the short frilly option."

I hummed kissing her throat.

Frilly most certainly.


My fingers traced the curve of her flesh.

Certainly short, riding up over her skin as we moved.

I growled, "I think i prefer them as well."

She gasped.

Although if it was due to my kissing her again or because I had just gripped her ass I wasn't entirely sure.

But I was betting on the later as my tongue snaked past her lips.

Reds hips were surprisingly wide for her appearance..her thighs thicker than expected.

Red had the figure of a woman beneath those sweet dresses and it drove me wild.

I wanted to see her, no perfect ringlets of hair no stockings, no corsets.


Just red, her skin, her eyes without their koal her cheeks and lips flushed from more than just her rouges. Her hair wild from passion.

I want to see her.

Women of my kind are tall and rigidly built with muscle their bodies built for battle.

She wolves were beautiful and powerful creatures. Usually avid lovers and brilliant fighters.

They are so much different than the soft supple bodies of human women, made more to be mothers that fighters.

There is a reason most male wolves lay with a human at least once before they find their mates.


Personally I never have. I supposed humans just couldn't keep up with me and as alpha I needed to find a powerful female that could possibly be a substitute if I did not find my mate.

I was curious though to know what the fuss was about.

Humans are fun to fuck apparently. Their woman smaller than ours their bodies not built to take a werewolfs lusts. Apparently it was intense.

A game to play a pleasure to have before finding ones true love.

after all, nothing is better than being with your mate.

I had wondered at first if Red would be able to keep up with me. And then i wondered if she was too small to take my lusts.

Now I cannot help but wonder how envious some would be if they knew the soft supple curves I get to have for the rest if my very long life.

The things I want to do to this girl behind closed doors...

Her small teeth nipping at my lip brought me back to reality, "if you are going to scandalously touch me in such a way. Then do so with your full attention on my cute self. I will not tolerate anything but your full attention on me."

I chuckled, "apologies red, I was just thinking how lovely you feel."

She blushed heavily, "I-I"

"Are making me desire you all the more."

"No." She whispered softly, "you cannot."

"My hands will explore no more than your thighs and a-"


I cocked a brow, "not in the bedroom. I will be clean as you wish anywhere else, but I must insist that we keep the bedroom filthy."

Pretty she was blushing all the way down to her toes, "I...I am not filthy."

"Really?" I purred, "I am sure in time we will find that you are a dirty girl little Red." Our lips met again in a languid kiss as I gripped her, pulling her impossibly closer, "so fucking dirty."

She shuddered against me the scent of her arousal soaking the air.

I couldn't help but grind myself against her core. My wolf side fighting for primary control.

I want her rip away her undergarments and drive her to ecstasy, turn her into that dirty girl.

Her hips flexed and she whimpered.

The softest, sweetest, most submissive whimper.

Damn it.

With a growl I pulled away from her. "Red. I need you to leave the room for a minute."

Her brows furrowed as she stood on shaking knees, "what.."

"If you don't I may touch you in ways you are not ready for."

Her eyes skimmed me, face turning crimson as her hair when she noticed the rather sizable bulge in my leather trousers.

She nearly fumbled as she opened the door, "I will be in the parlor. Fetch me when you are..."

"Calm?" I supplied for her.

"Yes. Calm." Straightening her skirts she stepped from the room.

I sighed at the door, easier said that done...

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