Ch 39: Vladimir Rossive.

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Zander POV:

Nilana walked into the parlor, parchment balled in her hand, "Alpha...I just finished your personal finance statement for the day."

I hummed, brushing reds hair back a bit.

She had fallen asleep sometime after picking up a book and allowing me surprisingly to wrap an arm around her as we sat. Me working, her just relaxing with her story.

I didn't want to wake her, she was so..sweet when she slept. Relaxed and unguarded. Besides it was so unlike Red to fall asleep in the presence of others, she must have had an exhausting day.

I glanced at Nilana, "and?"

"I found a receipt for a florist."

"I bought Red flowers."

"Alpha I know your adoration of her trumps all but did you happen to see how much they charged."

I chuckled a bit, "ot course I did pay for them."

She huffed, "50 gold and 500,000 silver Zander. 50 gold pieces! For flowers! Were they dusted with diamonds?"

I rolled my eyes, "it is the finest florist in the kingdom. Never a single wilt, everything is of the highest quality. It suits Reds standards and as you said its my personal money not the packs. Flowers once in a while wont hurt."

"Alpha..." she sighed, "I am glad you are so satisfied with your mate and she truly is a fascinating woman. But is there no other way?"

"I could buy her diamonds. Human men of status often do such. Lots and lots of very expensive jewlery."

She frowned a bit, "please do stick to the flowers."

I chuckled as the small red haired woman curled into me, "Nilana, you worry too much."

She tightened her blond ponytail, "that is my duty to this pack Alpha. I run finances, yours personally and the packs as a whole." She frowned a bit, "I'm also in charge of the packs bank."

"Because you are great with numbers and trustworthy. Is it growing to be too much on you? If you need some time off just allow me at least a weeks notice. You have not traveled to find your mate yet have you?"

She hesitated, "I have not. But I would like to wait longer Alpha."

"It is your choice."

She nodded, "I do not require time off it is just that your finances have never been so I am adjusting."

I smiled at that, "always reliable, Nilana I assure you, I wont run myself into the ground chasing my little red."

She sighed, "Alright alpha. Just...maybe next time not.." she glanced at the receipt, "Trifornian Red Roses...what even are those?"

"Roses from the Trifor mountains in the kingdom of Sconsia. Apparently they are rare and only grow on the east side of the mountain range."

Murmuring a bit Reds blue eyes fluttered open, "their petals have a beautiful texture somewhere between velvet and butter." She stretched a bit, "Zander why did you not wake me?"

"Well Ref I was working and after spending all that time outside you seemed tired you are a very busy woman. I wanted to allow you to rest."

She pouted a bit, "I just did not sleep well the previous night. I am more than capable of handling my duties." Her gaze slid to Nilana, "you run all of Zanders finances?"

She bowed her head a bit to Red, a wolfs show of respect, "I do. I know everything Alpha purchases."

I rumbled out a small chuckle, "Nilana likes to keep details records. Of everything monetary."

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