Ch 66: A Secret

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Red POV:

I barely noticed the huge wolf as I tackled alpha Shariam to the ground in my rage.

How dare he show me such disrespect.

I gripped my blade just as his hand reached for my throat, glad I had just sharpened them.

I was going to destroy him.

I slid the blade between my throat and his hand just in time, not caring if i got cut in the process. And as he pulled me off him to throw me on the ground I jerked my arm towards his body, cutting off his finger.

He growled and jumped back, "you bitch!"

I spun the blade between my fingers, pulling out the other one, "whats a wolf without its claws?" I sneered at him, "nothing but a useless puppy. Suitable to you I think."

He snarled ignoring his bleeding hand and lunging at me.

I dropped the the ground and swept his feet out from under him with my leg. "Stupid useless mutt!"

He caught himself, transforming into a massive wolf.

His fur was the same color my patio furniture should be.

I would have to alert Zander of the fact later, skin Shariam for a swatch perhaps.

The massive beast snarled hackles raised.

I stood flipping my hair, "come at me you overgrown Jackal."

With another snarl the beast lunged toward me.

I distantly heard people yelling.

And then suddenly, in a black blur, there wasn't a wolf in front of me anymore.

I looked to the right to see two wolves several yards away, snarling and jaws snapping.

I huffed watching the way they moved as I approached.

I stood a foot or so away watching them roll around and bite one another like idiots before taking my first opportunity.

I took a few steps back and sprinted grabbing the reddish brown tail of the jackal and tugging with all my strength, ripping him from the black wolf and launching us both to the ground a little aways.

Shariam shook his head disoriented.

I took the time to roll over and stab him in the side.

He howled in pain.

I stabbed him again, launching backwards as he turned on me.

Just for fun I lunged under him and cut off another one of his stupid fuzzy toes.

The yelling rose again.

The black wolf took away my toy again.

I glared at the two, broke into a run after them, jumped on the black wolfs back and stabbed him too.

It turned on me, ears pinned back as he let out a wine.

His familiar amber eyes asking me why I just did that.

I huffed, "He insulted me not you Zander!"

Zander growled.

I rolled my eyes, "I can defend my own honor."

He just looked at me.

And then I got tackled my a wolf.

Landing in mud of all things. I screeched, "MY HAIR! DAMN IT YOU WORTHLESS DOG!"

I stabbed him three more times consecutively, and this time when Zander took him down I didn't complain.

I kicked Shariam so hard in the face he lost a fang.

Let Zander claw him half to death. I can declaw him after.

Content to let Zander take out his frustrations I watched for a moment as the two rolled around, snapping and clawing at one another.

But then Zander took a swipe at Shariams throat and the yelling increased again.


I looked across the field at Maddox.


I put my blades away and approached him, "stop yelling. Who cares that you cant attack and they wont ruin a treaty?"

The alphas all looked at me strangely while Maddox groaned. "Red. He's going to kill alpha Shariam. Hes going to break the treaty if you don't stop him."

"He cares too much for the treaty."

"Not as much as he cares for you."

"I am much cuter than it so that should be obvious."

Maddox closed his eyes for a moment, "just...can you calm him down?"

I looked to the two grappling wolves. "Nope. Let them fight it out. Zander is smart he-"

The black wolf clamped his jaws into the others neck.

Shariam barely got away before Zander bit down fully, getting away with a bloodied shoulder.

"You were saying?!" Maddox growled, "Zanders animal half is in charge now Red! Logic isn't his top priority, defending you and your honor is!"

I watched them for a moment longer, "I would not mind him dead for what he said."


I sighed softly, picking up a nearby fallen branch "you cannot say I have never been kind to you."

"Yes I can." He deadpanned as I walked back to the fight.

I waited a moment, watching the snarlingly mess of fur that was the two fighting wolves.

I finally moved when Zanders wolf form had Shariam's pinned to the ground, snarling in his face before lurching back, ready to rip out his throat.

Just as his jaws were about to rip into Shariams throat I jumped on his back, wedging the branch between his teeth and pulling us both backwards. "STUPID MUTT MAKING ME DEFEND THAT UGLY JACKAL!" I yelled into his wolf ear as we both landed on the ground, "do not kill him and ruin your stupid treaty of dogs."

Zanders wolf form growled at me.

I slapped his muzzle, "don't you dare growl at me! You think I did not take care of my issue within the first few moments of the fight?" I huffed pulling an empty vial out of my cleavage, crossing my arms, "I said I wouldn't use silver. I never agreed to leave toxins out."

The field was silent once more, save the sound of one giant wolf hitting the ground, seizing.

Zander's wolf looked at the other one then back to me.

I pulled another vial out, dumping it on one of his cuts, "so you do not suffer the same effects, I haven't fully mastered this one and do not wish to risk marrying a man with brain damage."

the dog looked past me at the crowd.

I followed his gaze to the shocked faces, "what?" I huffed, "a good assassin always has a failsafe."

"Red.." Maddox started approaching slowly, "what did you do?"

I smiled up at him sweetly, giggling, "its a secret."

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