Ch 15: 20 Gold Pieces and 15,000 Silver.

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A/N: Reds deer horns/ dress!!

Zander POV:

Red stood silently for several long minutes in which the shop owner wrung his hands.

She just stood there staring at herself in the mirror before declaring, "it needs a shawl."

It really didn't. It was quite the dress without it.

The shop owner beamed, "We do have a hand dyed fawn fur that the designer made to match."

She looked over her shoulder at him, curls bouncing, "I wish to see it."

One of my wolves buried his face in his hands while the others just frowned.

Its been an hour since we arrived. Red insisted on trying the owners recommendations before this dress.

He had soon realized after we refused his invite to take our cloaks and our refusal for tea, that we would really rather be anywhere but here.

The red haired girl wrapped the furs around her and resumed staring, stone faced at herself.

Honestly. I was doubting my mate even knew how to give a real smile.

I glanced at the shop assistant who had yet to stop glaring despite the rather brutal scolding her boss had brought her into the back room for when red disappeared into the changing room the first time around.

He brought up some good points.

Like how despite her red hair, Red was a Scarlet Guardsman and a very high ranking one with a hell of a reputation at that.

Even children know her name.

Red very well could have just killed her for her rudeness and disrespect.

i drifted back from my thoughts as the tiny girl played a bit with the horns on her head.

As lovely as I find red and as much as I wish for her happiness. I cant stand sitting here a moment longer. "You look adorable red."

She met my gaze in the mirror. "Hm. That means little coming from you. But I thank you anyways. Very well I will take this dress. And the furs. How much will it be?"

20 gold pieces and 15,000 silver.

I nearly choked. The she wolf next to me did, "20 gold? Thats 2,000,000 silver!"

Red rose a brow at her, "no. Its 20 gold and 15,000 silver. So technically its 2,015,000 silver."

Nilana just gaped, "its a dress."

"Yes. A one of a kind. and it is very cute."

The woman just looked between the two of us, finally addressing me, "alp- i mean sir, are you truly going to pay for that?"

I could feel reds eyes on me, face still void of emotion.

And then it hit me.

She said I would pay just to see the kind of money the pack had. What I have.

It is customary for women in human society to try and for the lack of a better word, mate with a man of the most wealth and standing they could possibly obtain.

She wanted to see what out pack had to spend on defense against the crown and what I could do for her, killing two birds with one stone.

"Relax Nilana, this will come from my own pocket. It will hurt nothing."

The she wolf relaxed but still did not look too happy.

I could hardly blame her, I put her in charge of keeping track of pack funds, shes rather cautious with money.

Red eyes went wide as I stood to follow the shop owner.

Just as we were about to leave she gripped my cloak, "wait!"

I peered down at her. She was looking anywhere other than myself, slight tint to her cheeks. I rose a brow, "yes Red?"

She shifted her weight, "I can't. You don't need to pay for it."

Well then. "But I want to."

She shook her head.

I nearly rolled my eyes, "too bad."

Her own icy blues went utter wide as i pulled out of her grip, "I changed my mind I don't want it!"

"Too bad. Im still getting it for you."

Her cheeks puffed out in irritation, "why?"

"Because," i smirked down at her, "you look adorable when you blush at me like that in that dress."

She stared at me for a few moments, growing redder,  "you...." she started, " stupid beast. I don't care what you do!"

Crossing her arms with a huff she turned away.

I looked her over, amused, "so you don't mind if I buy it for you."

"Hmph. Do what you want."

"I will."

Her slender shoulders tensed, "and while your at it Zander, go die."

I laughed a bit, "you're very welcome Red, I'm glad you like it, and I do hope to see you wear it next time we meet."

"I refuse."

I just shook my head in amusement before paying the sorely confused shop keep.

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