Ch 10: Stupid Happy Dog

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Zander POV:

I watched Red as she played with some of the packs pup's, their mothers looking on anxiously.

They had been restless since they recognized the red cloak of the royals servants.

I leaned against the fence watching her roll a leather ball back and fourth with a circle of tiny wolves, smile on her face.

Maddox approached me, leaning against the fence as well, "alpha."

I smirked a bit, "beta."

He chuckled, "their mothers worry over their children playing with a human. A girl of the scarlet guard no less."

"Their pups are in no danger with Red as long as they stay cute."

He shook his head, watching as she allowed one of the youngest onto her lap, "she is shockingly good with them."

I nodded, distracted by her little giggle as the pup on her lap licked her chin.

"Make you want pups of your own?"

"Ox. the girl is halfway out the door when it comes to becoming mine."

He hummed, "that doesn't answer my question."

I hesitated a second, "As alpha I will need to have at least one son. And as a wolf, instinct drives my desire to make her mine by the laws of the moon then have her beneath me as soon as I can."

He guffawed, "can't give me a straight answer my friend? that always meant yes when we were kids you know."

I rolled my eyes at him, unwilling to admit that he was correct. I avoid giving real answers when I wish to keep them to myself.

Red looked over her shoulder at me, looking absolutely delighted. "Hey mr wolf?"

"yes red?"

"If I orphaned one could I keep it?"

I smirked at her, "No. but i could give you one, you just need to give me a night with you and, poof about 9 months later you'll have one of your own."

A blush stained her pale cheeks and she snapped her head away from me with a huff, "perverse brute."

I chuckled, Ox shaking his head next to me, "You're going to scare her away Zander."

"Nah. she may try to stab me but running away isn't her style."

"Have you considered that if you let her leave today, she will bring them to us, tell her prince where we reside and kill us all?"

"she lied to him."

Ox stared at me, one brow raised.

"About meeting wolves. he asked, she told him no. if she suddenly knew where we lived they would grow suspicious. after all, if she just stumbled here by accident they know we would have just killed her. so, by default that would reveal her lie and she would most likely be executed." I couldn't hide the smug satisfaction I felt about the fact that she lied to that Royal bastard for me, for my pack.

"Is that so, she seemed so...devoted to him."

A frown made its way upon my face, "What are you trying to say Maddox?"

"...That perhaps Red serves him in more ways than that of a guard."

My inner wolf stirred in anger, a low growl escaping my throat, "If she had lain with anyone for an extended period of time or recently I would smell it on her. My little red hasn't been touched, she will never be touched by anyone other than myself."

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