Ch 58: A Bitter Brute of a Woman

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A/N: well....Red just really wants allllll the attention on her and her mutt. Literally one of my other characters tries to talk to me and its a wide eyed blue eyed death stare that just screams 'filthy thing what do you think you are doing trying to interrupt my cute self?' And my other characters just take like 6 steps back. Except for Sin.

They just stare one another down and talk over one another.

Can you imagine that cat fight of miniature assassins?

Sin would be all like 'stupid mortal vanity.' And try to slice Red in half or set her on fire.

And Red would probably call her a scandalous whore for the way she dressed and attempt to stab her with a poisoned blade.

It would honestly be amazing because you just know if Zander and Kai tried to step in they would both just stare at them and be like 'silence you foolish dog.' Before going back to trying to kill one another.

Anyways...NEXT CH!


Red POV:

The Alphas brought their families for the most part it seemed.

The Nightgale packs alpha Mikar is mated to a wolf woman named Shanna and has two children, a elder son and future alpha Nisix, and that whore daughter Cassa. They hail from a far off kingdom by the sea our own rarely deals with these days.

Shazar Smithsin is the alpha of a mountain pack from a kingdom 3 weeks away by horse. He's missing an eye and is rather scruffy and rough looking. His mate is a harsh looking woman name Ulga. She only seems to warm when her young twin boys are around.

Kalthar Mikshaw is a quiet man with a keen eye, he seems cautious. He and his mate Minla are expecting their first child in 5 months. Their pack lives in a meadow on a tri kingdom border.

Mishon Hershstone is a hulking man with a permanent scowl, his mate Kerina reminds me of a hawk with the way she watches people. They have 6 children but only the eldest son, Heth, is here because he is to take over pack duties soon.

Zander explained soon for them could mean another 100 years or so of preparation.

Shariam Clawbound is a yonger alpha, although older than Zander. He is unmated but apparently hopeful.

After a while the alphas blurred, where they came from and their childrens names danced through my brain and was utterly useless to me.

Still I committed it all to memory as Zander brought me around to meet them all.

They were the worlds most powerful Alphas afterall.

Mikar Nightgale, Shazar Smithsin, Kalthar Mikshaw, Mishon Hershstone, Shariam Clawbound, Ikra Jahreen, Drac Furron, Axton Longbranch, Zharn Shadesong, and Yulan Blackleaf.

I took in the details of their lives and tucked it away as introductions were made. If I ever did need to know their children or their womens names or where they hail from I could recall it. Still that was only 10 Alphas, 11 including Zander.

I frowned, "I thought there were 12. It is nearly time for supper where is the 12th?"

"Late probably." He smiled at me, "someones always late due to pack business."

I hummed, "men."

He just shrugged, "its not always us."

"Whatever it may be it is inconvenient. Did Nilana not mention another whore that would irritate my cute self?"

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