Ch 11: Cocoa.

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Red POV:

The dog asked me to stay for dinner.

He promised that there would be sweets.

So, reluctantly, I agreed to dine with dogs.

Now...I regret it. Dogs drank a lot, they are loud, some of them severely lack table manners. They dance and dine at the same time.

My nose wrinkled as I saw one pick up the leg of a large bird with his bare hands and rip into it.

This was much different than the refined meals of the palace and of that in my small cottage.

A small warm hand was placed on my shoulder, causing me to still.

A dog dare touch me without my per-

"You look a little weary dear."


I relaxed a bit, cheeks puffing out, "they are so brutish."

She laughed softly sliding into the seat to my left to whisper with me, "you get used to it in time...and Alpha is much more refined no?"

I glanced at the tall man to my right, seated at the head of the long table.

He was talking to that other wolf person, his beta he called him. A goblet in his hand, swirling the wine within.

He was quite graceful even in this relaxed state. He and his beta both carried on with a much different air than most of the dogs.

Strange yellow-orange toned eyes glanced over and met my own. A small smile creeping upon Zanders face as he rose a brow at me.

He caught me staring.

With a huff I turned away sharply looking back to the old woman, "I whole heartedly disagree he is the worst of them all. The perverse brute."

She only laughed softly. "You do look like you could used some wine dear."

"I do not drink."

She hesitated, "is that so,"

I tilted my chin proudly, "how would I protect my prince if under the influence of that bitter demon. It turns the greatest of men to fools. if it gets in the way of my ability to battle I do not partake."

Her brows furrowed, "not even when you are off duty?"

I shook my head, curls bouncing, "I am not a simple guardsman, I lead the princes portion of the scarlet guard. I must be prepared every waking moment, even when not on official duty to protect my prince and the royal city."

She frowned a bit, "is that so?"

I nodded, "i do not even go to tea without my daggers."

"I see..."

Slowly I gazed around the room again, watching the wolves eat and play. "Why does the alpha not join them?"

Isadora smiled a bit, "you are here as his guest, he will not leave you alone."

My lips pursed, "stupid dog."

She laughed slightly, "but a handsome one don't you think?"

I glanced at the large man again.

...he is rather well toned and built.

Color creeped into my cheeks, "I don't think so."

She hummed, "so if he asked you to dance you wouldn't even consider it."

"he gives me tingles, I do not like them."

"Maybe you don't like that you do."

I paused on that, thinking it over.

That is positively dreadful, "there has nary been a more false accusation. I do not- what is this?"

I stared at the glistening treat that had just been before me. It looked slightly like the cocoa so rare in these realms I have only tasted once thanks to the generosity of the prince. But the cocoa i had was in the form of a rigid bar that would melt in the mouth. This was strange and...shiny.

Isadora smiled softly, "alpha had that made very special for you. Have you ever had chocolate Red?"

I nodded, "once, but it was nothing like...this? This is a tart...I think."

"It is a tart made of chocolate moose with a chocolate glaze and between the moose and tart shell, berry jam."

I blinked. "That is...quite a lot of cocoa." I glanced around, "this is the only one."

She chuckled, "of course it is. That treat he had prepared for you costs more than the livelihood of most men and wolfkin. It just so happened that tradesmen from another pack were here this morn before your arrival. Alpha thought you might enjoy the taste."

I slowly took up my fort, "this means nothing he is still a brute."

"A brute who got you chocolate."

I huffed, dipping into the strange treat, "doubtful a mutt cook could make even cocoa taste more wondrous than it is already."

She simply smiled as I took a bite.

I was silent as the fluffy treat melted over my tongue.

"Well Red? How is your gift from the alpha?"

Heat tinted my cheeks as I swallowed, "it is adequate."

Truth be told, it was the most scrumptious thing to have ever passed my lips.

It would be utterly un cute of me to not give my thanks to the man.

I am a lady of refined cuteness and pleasant manners. I know when to me grateful.

Excusing myself from Isadora I picked up my plate with the cocoa treat and made my way twoard the alpha.

Some barely dressed wolf woman was sitting next to him, leaning rather close to the man.

She was wearing barely a scrap of clothing and none of it was pretty or cute or anything a lady should done.

So. Seeing as she was in my way, i placed the plate in front of her, placed my open palm upon her face and pushed her from her seat. Ignoring her growl as she hit the stone floor.

I took her seat, ""

Zander smiled at me "I was wondering when you would come to me."

My cheeks puffed out, "it would be rude not to thank you for the cocoa treat."

"Is it good? I have personally never tried cocoa myself. I tend to avoid frivolous spending that doesn't benefit my pack."

Never tried cocoa?

I blinked at him, then looked at my treat. "Try it."

"No thank you Red, its yours." I picked up my fork and dipped into the treat again. Lifting toward the wolf man, "say ahhh."

He looked at me for a long time.

Then he leaned forward, not once breaking eye contact as he tastes the creamy treat.

Color filled my cheeks as his tongue darted over his lips, heat pooling in his eye, "sweet, but I can think of one thing that is more than likely even sweeter."

I swallowed hard, dropping the fork as heat crawled from my face down my neck. "I-Idiot. Go die."

He just winked at me before turning his attention to his beta for a moment, whispering something to him.

I fumed in silence as I ate the rest of my cocoa tart.

He really has no tact. The giant oaf.

A Dash of DemiseKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat