Ch 67: Something so Unsightly

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So I guess ADOD was nominated for some award on here?
You guys love this book more than I thought u would lol... anyway thanks for the love and all that.
Apparently u all think Red needs a bigger ego.


Zander POV:

Everything was chaos.

Alphas were running around trying to figure out exactly what was happening to Shariam.

Red has long since departed to her chambers, offering no explanation.

There was a divide on what everyone wanted to do about what she did.

Technically she broke no rules and Shariam wasn't dead.

But he wasn't exactly alive either.

Most of them think that he got what he deserved for talking about anothers mate in such a way.

Others thought Red was too dangerous to keep around. Or alive.

Although they never fully expressed it because that would mean challenging me.

And that wouldn't help the situation.

After way too much debating on Red when I still really just wanted Shariam to die I growled, "enough! Make him as comfortable as possible and if his condition worsens alert me. I will go speak to Red and get her to fix him, 90% of her toxins have antidotes."

"And the other ten percent?" A few alphas questioned.

I just shot them a look, "if it was one of those he would already be dead or in at least twice as much pain. My little Red was just playing with him, she knows whats at stake."

Thalia looked at me incredulously, "Zander he's missing two fingers and is convulsing at random intervals."

"Thats her playing, trust me. Woman is literally a demon when she wants to be. I live by the capitol, her home, and shes my mate. If anyone knows when shes serious its me." I sighed, "I am willing to bet she saw this as a test opportunity or just wanted to teach him some manners. If she was serious about killing him that would have been her latest strain of wolfsbane."

"Her.... latest strain?"

"Shes a bit of a botanist. Now I really should go the more shes allowed to stew the more tight lipped she will be."

I left the room before anyone could ask me what else she had done.

Walking through the house I frowned at the figure outside of Reds door, "Isa?"

The old woman looked up at me, blue eyes serious and silver hair spilling from her bun. "Shes in the tub cleaning the mud and blood away. Zander we need to have a chat."

"Okay, how long will she be?"

"No longer than our chat."

I arched a brow, "you meant now?"


"Isa...there is a lot going on at the moment can't it wait?"

"I know no."

I pursed my lips but sighed anyways, "lets step into my study."

She led the way.


"Don't you dare try to fondle that girls chest next time you get impatient and do something inappropriate to her."

I choked on my scotch, gaping at the old woman, "the hell Isa?!"

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