스물 다섯

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I sat down in my seat and waited for the rest to leave the room, they were taking a long time to leave the room as they were busy congratulating the star of the show, the rookie scriptwriter turned actress Wendy. They were praising about how well she acted in her 5 minutes cameo which became a viral sensation, she was on the top of the search engine after the airing of the first episode last night and today there is an article written about her.

She clearly has a lot of talent for acting but she kept that talent all along, pretending that she couldn't act so that she can be out of the limelight. But it is no use right now, everyone recognises her for her talent for acting and wished that she would act more.

Soojung ssi mentioned once that the two of them were classmates, they must have acted together in projects quite often during their time in college. No wonder SooJung ssi highly recommended Wendy to act for that role, the gang leader role which is now turned into one of the lead roles for the drama.

Wendy sat back down, trying to catch her breath from talking to the higher-ups who were in charge of funding the drama. "You haven't left yet? The meeting is already over."

I looked up from my phone. "I know. I'm just waiting for you to finish what you have to do."

"For what? I'm going home after this to change the script since the gangster girl is going to be one of the main roles and I have to give her a name." She slung her handbag over her shoulder and she stood up. "And we also have to quickly shoot all the scenes that she is involved in and I predict that it will take a long week to complete."

"Do you need my help? You seem a lot stressed over all this." I have to stay by her side for the entire day today, I don't want to go home at all. There is a gathering of all the members and there will be a company dinner with the CEO and all, I didn't want to go there since the members are there and I don't want to see their faces.

"It's okay, I can do this on my own. Don't you have to rush off by dinner time today? I overheard from Seokjin ssi that you guys have a company dinner today, it is the anniversary of your debut with the group." I clenched my teeth and groaned internally, why does Seokjin hyung have to be so overly excited about this and tell everyone about it?

"About that, I told the CEO earlier this morning that I have something on to do and I won't be able to make it to the dinner." I quickly made up an excuse to hide my lies. I didn't want to go there because he is there, I don't want to see his face...

"And you still want to help me think of story ideas when you have something on today? What a horrible liar you are." She took a seat next to me. "Tell me honestly, is it because of him again?"

I wanted to deny that I have bad blood with him but I can't hide it from her anymore, she already knows half of the story and it hurts not to lie to her about the rest of it. "Yes," I confessed.

"Who is it, exactly?" She asked, leaning closer to me making my heart pound. "Hoseok, you have to be honest to me about this. I am your friend, you can tell me about everything and I promise that I won't tell anyone about it."

About him, no one else knows about it except for the members, they were all there and they knew everything that happened between me and him. They said that it is just me overreacting about everything and I was greedy, he wasn't and I was in the wrong. But they don't know the truth at all, they think that I was the one at fault and I was whining about everything that had happened.

I couldn't tell any of the members about it, they were all on his side. They know little about my conflict with him and they tried to solve our problems by trying to putting us together in the same room. He also tried to pretend nothing had ever happened but I can't pretend that nothing happened, it broke my heart so much and I couldn't tell anyone about it easily.

Before long, I knew that I was crying because she gave me a reassuring hug. I was surprised because I know that we are not that close enough to ever give each other hugs like that so casually, we are just good friends the last time I checked.

"You are crying." She whimpered softly, she was crying as well. "So tell me who was the one who caused you to be like this, I will keep it as a secret, I promise."

"Fine, I'll tell..." I finally got those words out and she released her hug, wiping her tears away. Now I feel bad making her cry like that... She shouldn't cry for someone like me, she just shouldn't. "It... It was TaeHyung, he was the one who caused me to be like that."

Yes, it was him. He seemed like such a nice person, at first sight, always making everyone around him happy with his weird tactics. I admit that he is and is still weird but he hates me for some reason, I just know that. He envied me a lot.

On that day, when I was going up to perform, he gave me a hug, a very long, telling me that I will always forgive him no matter what he will do. I thought that he is just joking and wants some hugging time but it was not, he was warning me about what is going to happen very soon, 3 minutes from now.

Wendy stood up in rage, not believing what I had just said. "He pushed you? How can he do that? I thought that he was your member and he loved you just as much as you loved him, as a brother of course."

I told her to sit back down. "He did and I was hospitalized for a while, I couldn't dance after that. The doctors told me that the ligament is torn and a metal rod will be inserted into my leg for me to be able to walk normally again. I couldn't dance like what I did before and it is all because of him." I looked down at my leg, crying even more.

For the entire year, I could only compose songs in my studio and do nothing else but that. My leg will start to hurt as soon as I dance for a few minutes, it will hurt excruciatingly and I will break in sweats. It is that painful and I hate for my leg to hurt like that but it is the truth.

Wendy stared at me for the next few seconds and I was totally regretting my words, I shouldn't have told her my secret. Now she thinks that I am whiny... Just like what the other members say, I am whiny.

"I am very whiny, right? I shouldn't have even told you that, I better take my words back--"

She stood up again, this time showing a little firmness in her stance. "We will attend the company meeting, I will help you solve the misunderstanding between the two of you guys."

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