예순 셋

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"Wait, are you serious?" My eyes doubled in size when I heard that came straight from HoSeok's mouth, that is unbelievable and I have never thought that it could be possible for a K-pop idol. "You mean that he got married and had 2 children and he is still a K-pop idol, how does no one even know about this?"

I thought that it was only possible when they are not actively promoting in their groups anymore and they have retired from the industry, and they would show up on the huge screen as a father with a few children, they have a whole variety show on that and the children are so adorable. And Kim NamJoon actually achieved being a father even before he turned 30 and he is married for the past 5 years without anyone knowing about it, not even the fans know about this and I am probably the only one who knows about it other than the members themselves and their company.

"He got together with his wife even before we debuted and they had a long relationship but we had no idea until he told us that he got her pregnant and they had to get married, Bang PD was okay with it but NamJoon can't reveal to anyone that he has a wife and they have 2 children together." He said to me and I looked around us, making sure that no one can hear our conversation.

We are near the balcony and we came up here after the wedding ceremony is over and everyone is obsessed with the newlyweds which leave the both of us alone and he could finally tell me everything that had been bothering me ever since I saw a boy running around the entire place, I don't take notice of anyone but he had a very distinctive facial feature when I saw him and it was exactly like Kim NamJoon and they look similar as well.

He tripped over my leg when he ran past me and HoSeok mentioned to me that his leader might be the best in the industry but he has one major flaw, he is extremely clumsy despite his intelligence and there is a reason why he isn't allowed to drive a car or to cook anything other than instant noodles, it is for world peace.

The two of them are very similar to each other and now I know the reason behind it, that kid is his son and he has a child, Kim NamJoon had a family that he hid for the past 5 years. "How did he even manage to do that? I know that he is not the one getting pregnant so no one would notice that his stomach will get bigger but his kid is now 5 and he goes to school, wouldn't he go around telling people that he has a K-pop idol for a father?" I asked him the most important question, I just needed to know this to look at the leader without judging him.

"He lied to his kid that he is just a regular guy who works at a company that makes music and that is technically correct because he makes music as well but so far, there hasn't been any rumours so the secret is still safe." He said as if it doesn't matter to them. The world will explode and the entire K-pop industry is going to break apart if this gets out to the public, nothing will be the same anymore.

"Is he ever planning to tell anyone about that? Because it is going to get bigger the longer he is hiding his family and one day, it might explode right in his face and his whole reputation will be all ruined because he lied to the public from day one." I said to him.

"He is going to, in a few years or it would be even better if his kid would expose himself to the public. You know how similar they are, people will immediately notice that and everyone will know in time." I felt a tiny tug at my leg and I looked down to find another tiny toddler, she looked really cute and she has a darker skin tone than most Koreans and I know someone with that exact shade. "Don't tell me that she is the other child."

He nodded his head. "She is JoonEun, his younger daughter. She is only 3 this year and she can already memorise the entire Korean alphabet." He carried the child in his arms. "Isn't she beautiful?"

I looked at the child, she indeed is very beautiful for a toddler and I wondered if my child would look like this as well, a tiny version of myself roaming around in this world and calling for me all the time, it sounds like a nightmare for now but I feel like I would dedicate all of my time and energy to take care of the little Wendy.

"Appa!" The child began to cry and I began panicking, looking around for someone to take the child away and HoSeok didn't even flinch at all, bouncing from one side to the other while showing her his brightest smile and the child immediately stopped crying. He has the magic of parenting, there is no doubting it...

"JoonEun, how the heck can you even run that fast?" I heard NamJoon ssi running towards us at top speed and HoSeok gave him the toddler, the toddler was so happy to see her father and I feel so touched seeing that moment. How good would it be if he tells the public that he is married and he has 2 adorable kids?

He cleared his throat and called for all the reporters to gather around him so that he can give his official statement, is he going to tell the reporters that? "I am here to announce something that I have been keeping a secret for the past few years and I am going to reveal that today," He put a hand up and showed his wedding ring. "I am married and I have been married for 5 years and this is my adorable child, JoonEun. She is 2 this year and I have a son who is 5 and I have a beautiful wife."

I waited for the reporters to start reacting negatively to the news but they just continued to listen to them without saying anything, I spotted Bae Yeongwon coming up to the balcony with a dress that looked a little too tight on her body, she told me that she chose a loose-fitting dress for the after-party and it looks more like a bodycon dress more than anything else. "And I am 8 weeks pregnant, bitches!"

My jaw dropped and there was a thud on the floor, I don't even need to turn to see and I know that it is the groom who has passed out because he had only found out that his wife is pregnant.

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