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Wendy was showing me the pained expression on her face as she desperately tried to signal to me something as Krystal ssi continued to talk and talk about how they met in middle school. It turned out that the two went to school together and they had special memories together.

If Krystal ssi hasn't mentioned that they were classmates, no one would have known that. Wendy has never told me anything about her life, we met each other not too long ago and we have never talked anything about that. 

"And I remembered that you bought me beauty products that one time during my birthday, I wanted it so much and you bought it for me right away." She exclaimed.

"Yeah, right. I was just lucky I got to buy it, I was going to use it on my own and then you saw it." Wendy replied.

"Right. But you still gave it to me in the end." She smiled and turned towards me. "I hope that we weren't being too boring to hear our school stories."

I put up one hand to protest. "Not at all, I'm just pleased that the both of you know each other. In this way, production will go smoothly with the two being so close--"

Wendy cleared her throat, cutting my words abruptly. She checked the time on her watch and looks back on Krystal ssi. "Ok, it is time for us to go. Could you excuse us as we have somewhere to go to this instant??" I thought that they were the best of friends?? It seems that Wendy doesn't like her that much...

"Really?? Then I must have been really bad holding the two of you back." Krystal ssi apologized.

"Yep, you shouldn't." She said, holding her phone and bag. "See you at the first filming and I hope that you are the first one there." I just awkwardly bowed down slightly to Krystal ssi as I didn't know what to say in this kind of a situation, I would be only causing much trouble if I did try to say anything.

We took the subway to RV café as it is the cheapest and fastest way to the café, there isn't a need to take the company van as I am the one traveling out of the group and I would only burden my manager for driving me. Besides taking the subway is one way to know more about your country in one way or another, you would know which stations connect to which and you don't need to take a taxi for that.

Plus, no one would even go up to me for an autograph anymore. Back in the days where my group was popular, there is no way that you would go outdoors without some disguise to not allow any fans running after you. Now, they would just greet me if they happened to see me and occasionally ask for a photo or an autograph if they really want to.

I have been staring at Wendy for as long as I have ever been, looking at her facial expressions change every few seconds. She would look bored in one moment, looking as if she would fall asleep anytime or she would just look annoyed if someone gets a little closer to her from the subway turning into a corner.

It wouldn't be a good chance to ask her about Krystal ssi or I would experience what I had last weekend where she snapped at me for asking her if she is fine or what not. I would have to wait for the right time to ask her if I don't want to die an early death. Maybe her roommates would be a better choice, they might know about Krystal ssi as they are around the same age and might have gone to the same school.

There was an empty seat in front of us and I nudged Wendy by the shoulder, telling her to take a seat while I stand. She looked at me for a brief moment before doing as I asked her to, she sat down and placed her bag on the lap. We stayed like this all the way until we reached the café where Wendy ordered me to go as soon as she gives me a cup of coffee.

"You may go now." She simply said. "Thanks for accompanying me back to the café."

"See you next week at the first filming!!" I told her and she gave me a big smile before going back to the café, she is still that beautiful to me. How I wished that I can tell her that before blushing...


I sat down in my seat before waving to Hoseok who has just dropped me off at the café and Yeri went over to my table immediately.

She looked through the window where Hoseok is still there waving at me while taking a step back slowly and he tripped, I stifled a laugh when he did that and Yeri noticed my expressions. "Have you guys made up already?? It seemed that he cared a lot about you."

I went back to being emotionless for a second. "Since when?? We are just friends, very good friends who will be working together from now on."

"Fine, whatever. Why didn't you allow him to send you home all the way to our apartments??"

My eyes doubled in size. "Why would I even do that for??" The other girls will definitely get him into an interrogating session for hours and hours if they saw him sending me home. I wouldn't want him to suffer like that.

"Fine, I will stop. So did anything happened at the script reading session today??" She changed the topic to make things less awkward, it is not like Hoseok and I are dating.

Jung Soojung came up to my mind immediately and I feel the urge to tell her about it right away. "Jung Soojung is the female lead for my drama," I told her. Her eyes doubled in size, her lips quivering and her breathing becomes a little faster.

"What?? That bitch is back?!" Ok, now I regret telling it to her. She has a reputation for beating people that she doesn't like. Especially someone like Jung Soojung.

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