마흔 여섯

17 1 0


I giggled to myself as I got out of the car and I entered the luxurious apartment building where I reside in, with the rest of my members. Even though I have my own place that I have purchased a few years ago, I still preferred to live with my members and I feel like something is missing if I don't see them.

And even though I see them all the time, from the moment I wake up to the moment that I fall asleep, there will be at least one of them roaming in my space and talking to me but I don't find them annoying at all.

They are a part of my teenager years and I have grown up along with them for the past decade and they can't be replaced by anyone else, it is a reminder of who I am today and how the six of them have impacted and shaped me into the person I am today.

I got into the apartment and I immediately was taken aback when all the lights were switched off and the whole place was so quiet that I could drop a needle down on the floor and it can be heard very clearly, they must have not returned home yet but I was told that all of them don't have anything much to do at this timing and they should be either making their way back home or already being at home.

The lights suddenly switched on and I heard the footsteps of a few people and I dropped down to the ground in fright, I was totally not expecting that at all.

All 6 of my members are already at home and they have come together to scare me for some secret mission that I am not notified of and I am extremely confused with everything that is happening right now, Seokjin hyung appears with his phone in his hand and he was recording me. "Got you! Totally got you in the act."

"What act?" I asked him, still confused over why he is recording me sitting down on the floor looking like a surprised child. "What are you guys talking about?"

"It is the celebration of the 7th episode of your drama and it is coming out in a few minutes, we have to watch it or we will miss it," NamJoon explained to me and I just nodded, but a little shocked to find out that they have all gathered together to do a little mission just for me.

"I am so sorry that the rest of us were busy during the airing of the 1st episode but I told everyone that they should come home early today to watch the episode together or they will face punishment." JiMin apologized to me being the angel he always is and he flashed me a smile.

Taehyung helped me up and I dusted off my butt. "But we will not tell what the punishment is since all of us came home in time tonight, it is something really embarrassing."

"Everyone will really face the punishment if you are not at your seats in one minute." Suga hyung told everyone and he headed for the best seat on the couch in our living room, it is the best seat and everyone wants to take that seat no matter what because it is the most comfortable spot in the entire apartment.

"Anyone wants any drinks or snacks?" JungKook asked and everyone ignored him because they were too busy trying to overtake Suga hyung, we are always that competitive in useless stuff and that just proves our relationship with one another to the finest.

"I'll help you prepare some." I stayed behind to help JungKook with the snacks and the drinks for the other members, we made our way to the living room after we are done with it and took the last two remaining seats in the living room. It turns out that SeokJin hyung got the seat because he tripped Suga hyung with his feet and slid his way in.

The episode aired and I was focused on all the scenes that are in the episode, even the ones that I wasn't involved in and I was especially engrossed in the scenes where Wendy was the main character in and I loved how she carried her character and made it her own, it was a lot to learn from her and it seems that she is even capable of making her character seem more alive and that is what I loved about her.

The episode finished airing and JiMin is still watching the television along with SeokJin hyung because they have become so obsessed with dramas lately and they would never miss an episode of whatever drama that they are watching at the moment. The rest was preparing to go to bed, it has been a long day for all of us except for Suga hyung, I bet that he only woke up earlier when I reached home and he would spend the night working and composing some tunes.

But he wasn't going back into his room at all, he gestured for me to go to the balcony with him and NamJoon. It is so unlikely for him to do such a thing or even suggest that I would have a talk with him. NamJoon cleared his throat. "I liked watching the episode, I enjoyed watching it and I hope the future episodes would be even better--" But Suga hyung cuts him off instead. "What is with your gaze?"

"What gaze?" I asked him, not knowing what exactly he meant.

"When you look at Wendy the scriptwriter, you looked weird and you looked like an idiot. Shouldn't you be hating on her because she is a villain?" I was even more confused with his explanation and I looked towards NamJoon for help.

"What Suga hyung is saying is that you looked as if you are in love and it is not right to look at a villain with that gaze, I thought that she was only your friend. Or is there something that we should know about it?"

They all know that I have feelings for Wendy and they have been rooting for me ever since they knew about it and they have to wait for this moment to happen. "Wendy and I have been dating for a few days now, it has been confirmed that we are a couple and I don't plan on revealing to the public just yet."

"Right? That's good, I was happy to hear that." NamJoon beamed in delight and nudged the one beside him. "Right, Suga hyung?"

"Right but you shouldn't be too obvious on television as well, at this rate everyone would suspect that the two of you are dating." Suga hyung cleared his throat and it is all in mumbles but I heard it loud and clear. "But I am happy to know that you are dating someone that you love."

"Thanks, Suga hyung and NamJoon for keeping the secret for me, I don't want everyone to know about it or it would be a problem." I looked towards the door and the rest of the members were standing outside, looking outside. Don't tell me... "Are they there from the start?"

NamJoon sighed. "Actually, there is the actual mission and all of us have succeeded in the mission by making you tell everything." And all of them cheered for victory while I swore to myself that I should stop being so trusting with this bunch of idiots ever again.

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