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I sat down in the meeting room where all the other staff of the BigHit entertainment company was all typing in some information and of course one representative from KBC. He is here to review my work and decide whether if it is suitable for it. I hope that it gets approved at one try.

J-Hope ssi is outside waiting for the results and I told him to not come along. He insisted so he is waiting for the results along with me. I pinched my fingers impatiently under the table waiting for their responses towards my work, some of them have some weird facial expression that I can't understand. It is like they are satisfied but not quite satisfied at the same time. Does my writing suck??

One of the staff put up her hands asking questions. "Can you explain what this part is??"

"Which part??"

"The part where the female lead drops her thumb drive, can you specify where did she drop it??"

I cleared my throat and looked at her with confidence. "Near the plants near the entrance of the museum," I answered her and she nodded, understanding what I am trying to put across. No one asked any questions after that and that made me even more nervous. At least when they ask some questions, I am able to release some stress from it. With them not saying a thing, I don't even know if they liked it or not. Ask more questions, please...

The KBC representative closed the script and the others did the same as well. They have finished reading the script and it is time for reviews. "Son Wendy ssi, your work... Is a masterpiece as if it happened in real life. How do you do that??" He said.

"I write stories based on the things that I have experienced myself, I also interviewed work subjects to get more information. I take one of my books, for example, Modern Cinderella. I interviewed the real-life 'Cinderella' Amber Lee Parkerns, the famous granddaughter of the richest billionaire in France. I personally went to her and interviewed her before finding inspiration to write my first book."

"Right. It is indeed shocking to know that you are under 30 years old but you have written so many books and were awarded so many awards when you are still new in the writing industry. I wondered why you didn't want to write for dramas." The BigHit CEO which is also J-Hope ssi's boss spoke.

I felt a lump in my throat and I gulped down my saliva licking my lips before taking the microphone. The room is quite big so if I speak in a normal tone, they wouldn't hear it. "I've got a trauma of writing dramas but I have gotten over it so I decided to give it a try at writing at dramas again."

"Why is there trauma when you write such good books??"

"I wasn't very good at writing dramas and I got rejected at KBC when I am just at the beginning of my writing career, so I decided to write books instead," I said and their faces looked rather satisfied. Are they?? Are they not??

"Miss Son, I'm glad that you spoke about your trauma." The KBC representative said. "I think many writers have this problem of getting rejected on the first try and many chose to give up after that, never debuting in the writing industry. You got traumatized but you got over it, writing books first and then dramas. And I have to say, your work is unique as what your books are, your personality is unique as well."

He paused for a moment and turned towards the other staff. "Should we vote now??" This is what happens when you get your work reviewed by them, the story with the most number of votes gets approved and filming can start straight after. I didn't dare to look up as I'm afraid that I would be really upset if my work doesn't get approved.

"Your work is approved, script reading will start next week when you are ready with the cast." I looked up and there are 8 people that liked my story and 2 who didn't. Thank goodness...

I stood up and bowed at every single staff in the meeting room. "Thank you!!!!!!"

"You don't need to thank us, we know your skills and the way you convey the message through a story. We trust that you wouldn't let the budget go to waste." The KBC representative said and heartily laughed out loud. That made me feel so relieved and I'm glad that they approved the whole story, they didn't even cut out any parts of the script.

I came out of the room and Hoseok ssi was right outside with an uncertain expression on his face. "So, how did it go??" I didn't say anything and threw my hands around his waist, my head buried in his chest.

"Was it good or bad?? What did they say??" He asked not knowing what to do and his hands were in the air, not knowing where to put it. "You are hugging me a little tightly." He told me and I let go of him immediately, looking down at the floor, my cheeks heating up.

"Sorry..." I said still looking down at the floor, embarrassed to see at his face. I get that he feels the same as well.

"What did they say??" He repeated again after a long silence. "Did they approve??"

"They did," I said and looked at his face for the first time ever since I hugged him. His ears were really red like it is going to bleed. The sides of his lips lifted up and he was smiling, like a ray of sunshine.

"Really?? It was approved??" He asked again, not believing his ears. I nodded. That's why I hugged you without knowing because I was too happy.

"Then we will have dinner, can you today??" He asked me and I nodded without realizing. Do I like him that much??

"The members are coming as well." Except for the others, why do you invite them for??

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