예순 둘

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"You're looking so good, SeokJin hyung!" Taehyung compliments our oldest brother. "You are looking dazzling today!"

"Of course, I always look this good every single day!" He started to compliment himself and I wished that Taehyung hadn't said that but it is appropriate timing to put more attention on him because today is his big day and he is going to marry the love of his life, they have been together for more than 3 years now and it all started when Bae Yeongwon was the stylist for one of his dramas and they have a natural chemistry together and they clicked, at the end of the drama they decided to date each other and now they are finally getting married to each other.

Usually, the fans of other groups would not be that supportive of their idols getting married but our fans were so happy that SeokJin hyung got his happily ever after, maybe it is because that he is older than all of us and the fans are more mature now compared to our rookie years when they can be a little immature but at least SeokJin hyung is not getting hate mail for marrying the love of his life.

He has planned this wedding for a while and it could have been done earlier but he wanted my drama to be successful before getting married, he was the director of the drama after all and he just wanted to finish the filming before his big day. And I said that it had helped gather a lot of reporters because of us and the drama, and the whole place has become a little too crowded to the point that we are forced to stay in the waiting room all day until the wedding ceremony.

We should have persuaded SeokJin hyung to hold a wedding with just our families and close friends so that we won't have to deal with all the reporters invading our privacy but it is SeokJin hyung's wedding and we don't have a say in it except that we are invited to the wedding and we get to eat at the buffet table as well. And I get to see Wendy as well, it has been days since I have last seen her and I miss her so much.

"When can we even come out?" Jungkook asked me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Just wait a little more, the reporters are going to get seated in their designated seats soon and the wedding will start soon," NamJoon told him and he nodded his head. "This is the bad things that happen to us all the time, it is supposed to be a happy occasion with all of us being here at this wedding and we can't say anything personally because the reporters will catch up on everything that we say and our reputation will go down as soon as those articles get released."

"Like the fact that you got married 3 years into our debut and your oldest child is already in preschool?" Yoongi hyung said.

All of us got stunned by his words. "You are not supposed to bring that up, it is something that no one should know about." NamJoon hissed, but he indeed got married when we were actively promoting as a group.

He dated a girl during high school and they continued to date each other secretly when we debuted and no one knew about this until he got his girlfriend pregnant and he had to tell us about it, we decided to tell the CEO about it and he came up with the decision that he would marry his girlfriend but he is to keep a secret about it until our group disbands which is in a few years. And Kim NamJoon has been married for the past 5 years and his son is in preschool, that child would be an excellent playmate for SeokJin hyung's child.

"But it is not a secret among us and you brought along your kid as well." JiMin pointed it out. "And your wife is here as well, are you sure that you are trying your hardest to hide your family?"

It has been 5 years and I don't think that the fans would disapprove of it, after all, it has been almost 5 years since he got married and there is already a kid, there is nothing that the fans can do anything about it. "You should reveal this to the public this year or your child is going to tell everyone that you are his father and that you have a 2-year-old as well." SeokJin hyung told him. "The fans aren't going to be mad at us, it is not a bad thing to get married to your loved ones."

It is not a mistake or anyone to make the fans upset, but it is a part of life that everyone would encounter someday and someday all of us are going to get married and have kids, the fans aren't going to stay single as well, they are also going to get married someday and our fandom would be one big family.

JungKook looked down at his watch. "I think that it is time for us to get out of here." And we got out of our waiting room, everyone is seated down in their seats in the wedding hall and I immediately spotted Wendy chatting with her friends and I went to her, with the fear that her friends might eat me up. They are harmless and I am afraid that they might not like me, there is a reason why they are always avoiding or hiding away from me.

I sat down next to Wendy. "Hey, did you hide somewhere? Because I couldn't see you at all, and your members as well." She said.

"We had to go somewhere, did you and your friends have fun around here?" I asked her and she nodded her head.

"The reporters are too much, they kept asking me about my private life and I shut them up, saying that they might just keep their mouths up and focus on other stuff." She said. "Right, there was a kid who ran around the whole time and he reminded me of your leader, they have the same dimples and they fall down a lot."

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