쉰 다섯

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Today is the day of his wedding and I am kind of forced to be here, Jung HoSeok wanted me to attend this very wedding because he wants me to face it and close that chapter of my life, I have been avoiding it for the longest time because I was badly affected by it and there was no way that I am going back there again. But HoSeok told me not to worry too much about that and face my problems head-on with a smile on my face, it is not that simple at all.

"Don't fret about it too much, you are going to have fun at this wedding. Just follow me and it will be fine." He squeezed my hand. "You are not going to look beautiful if you stress too much about it."

"I hope that nothing bad will happen to me, it is going to bring down your reputation if that happens and it is very bad," I told him. "You are still a celebrity and you are now a rookie actor with a drama that is currently airing."

He shrugged my shoulders. "I don't care, I am here today not as the K-pop idol J-hope nor the rookie actor Jung HoSeok, I am here as Son Wendy's boyfriend and I don't care if it makes me a little not famous after this wedding. Because I only care about you and your feelings, you have to be happy for me to be happy as well."

His words made me feel so assured and I could trust him but I can never trust the media with their way of twisting everything that is a fact, if it sounds convincing, they can say anything they want and people would believe me even if it is not true at all. "Well, let's make our way inside," I told him and we got out of the bed.

He walked over to my side and put my hand on his arm, wanting me to walk along with him and I looked around and he just smiled. "Relax, everyone is going to be so envious of you and you have to show them that you are that capable to date someone like me." He told me.

"Well..." I said, looking around and found one classmate and I began channelling the villain character inside of me and I started walking in so much confidence than I am being Son Wendy.

Like what HoSeok said, everyone turned their heads around to look at the both of us and they started whispering and talking to themselves, shocked to see the two of them walking arm in arm together. Well, we are a couple and we are proud of it.

And with this tiny action, it helped the reporters think of one new article, and they would start reporting that the K-pop idol is now dating a scriptwriter and his fellow costar in the drama that he is in currently. I was initially worried that it would make Hoseok lose his reputation because he is dating me and he is not supposed to date anyone due to the fans opposing against it but he simply didn't care, he was happy that he is dating me and that is everything that he needed.

"Son Wendy!" I heard Bae Yeongwon's voice and I turned around to see her and HoSeok's group member Kim SeokJin, I guess that Yeongwon have also received the invitation as well and she decided to bring her fiancee as her plus one. I noticed that her dress is a little loose, she must have chosen that dress to hide her baby bump even though it is still not showing but it is good that she hid it up and her dear fiance still doesn't know about the pregnancy.

"I didn't know that you guys would be here as well," I told them.

"Well, Kim Jongin sent me the invitation some time ago and I just forgot that I had one." Bae Yeongwon replied and looked at her fiance. "We cleaned our apartment a few days ago and saw the invitation, I didn't know that you guys would be here as well."

"The groom is our classmate from university and the whole class were invited, it would be weird if I don't show up," I said and they all nodded their heads. "Is Jung SooJung here already?" I asked Yeongwon.

She was the one who wanted me to be here, I would kill her if she doesn't, she is practically dying to be here because she wanted to see me being sad over Kim Jongin. I would be feeling all of that if I were to still be in university but it has been a long time since I have graduated and Kim Jongin is a part of my past, and I am here today to close that chapter of my life and move from with my life to bigger and better things.

She shook her head. "I couldn't be bothered to even notice her, and she would be so talkative if she were to be here. It would be easy to spot her, with that voice and her face."

I nodded and Jung HoSeok told me that he needs to use the toilet for a moment and Kim SeokJin tags along because he needs to fix his hair, that leaves the two of us and Yeongwon let out a huge sigh. "Man, that was hard to breathe. I thought that my tummy wouldn't show until the 4th month of pregnancy but it is already bulging a little." She grabs my hand to touch her tummy and it was indeed a little chubby at the abdomen, it has only been a week ever since I found out that she is pregnant and it is already bulging.

"Luckily you wore a dress that is loose enough to hide all of your curves but what are you going to do if Kim SeokJin passes you a glass of wine?" I asked her.

"I would say that I am cutting down on alcohol but he is not believing that I am not drinking alcohol at a wedding, he stares at me every day and asks me if I had a shot of soju every single night."

"Your wedding is in a few weeks, you will finally be able to tell him the truth," I told her and she nodded.

"Hopefully he doesn't faint, he can't faint at his wedding." She said. "Is Jung HoSeok fine with revealing his relationship to the public? I heard that it is a bad decision and it would either make you two stay together or break up, and it barely has been a month since the two of you dating each other."

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