마흔 넷

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"Thank you for today! I will see you guys again tomorrow, rest well and eat well." I bowed down slightly to all of the crew members as I am done with my work for today, the last scene of the day has been shot and the shoot day is wrapped up and they would have to prepare for the next day.

They bowed down back at me and I took my water bottle as I walked back to the waiting room to change out of the clothes to my own clothes so that the wardrobe stylist can take care of it, sometimes we need to wear the same outfit back for contingency scenes and they have to make sure that it is washed and pressed before the next shoot.

I finally feel refreshed and relieved after I have ended work because it is the only time that I will be myself and not acting like someone else, I loved being Wendy, Son, because I have been living with that name for the past 28 years of my life and I can't imagine being called by another name. And being a actress, we have to constantly adapt persona after persona because it is our job and we don't really get to be ourselves most of the time and acting like someone else is something that you will get used to it but it is bad for our mental health, some people will lose their sense of identity because they are so attached to their made-up personas and never being their true selves at all.

I don't want that to happen to me at all, I want to be Wendy Son for the rest of my life and no one has the right to make me think that I am not fun being myself. Who says that I am not funny?

"You are funny, Wendy. You just don't know it but I can see that from you." HoSeok says to me as we are walking out of the set. "Everyone knows that you are funny as a person and they like you a lot as their producer and scriptwriter as well."

"So you are saying that I am a joke?" I asked him and he shook his head. "Because people who are funny are often taken as a joke and I don't like that, and I don't want to be taken as a joke and someone insignificant."

"No, you are not. If I say that you are funny, you make me smile at your words and you make me so happy that I want to see you every day. It is because I love you a lot, Wendy."

That three words could easily make my heart flutter and it certainly did with HoSeok's words and I feel so happy hearing that, but it makes me blush like a love-struck idiot as well. "Don't say that without any hesitation, you are making me blush so much," I said to them.

And now he is the one who is blushing and he is literally trying to hide his face from me but I have seen it all and I wished that he can be this adorable for the rest of his life. "Jung HoSeok, I didn't know that you could be this adorable."

His eyes doubled in size. "Adorable? I am? At this age?"

I nodded my head. "You are adorable at any age and especially now, how can you be this cute all the time? I guess that K-pop idols have their own secrets on looking this cute and perfect all the time." I can't even look this cute every day and in any situation, I literally look like a potato all the time and everywhere that I go and I have no idea how the people out there would always compliment on my looks all the time, maybe it is because they haven't seen regular people who are more beautiful than me.

Anyways, I don't think that I am that pretty enough to match Jung HoSeok's visuals, he is literally the sun God and he radiates in his own handsomeness. But I am happy that he has chosen to date me despite all of that and I am happy that I get to date him as well, it is literally my dream ever since I first saw him in Yeri's Café. She is like our matchmaker, without her the both of us wouldn't have met each other at all.

The museum has a huge role to play as well because I have once lost a very valuable item in there and Jung HoSeok was the one who picked it up and gave it back to me, there was a reason for me to meet each other and then fall for each other. And I am glad to have met him on a day like that, it doesn't come by easily and it is impossible to relive the same day again.

"So there is my place, you have been here before," I said to him as we reached the ground floor of the apartment building that I live at and I looked at him, reluctant to see him go.

"Why is your apartment so near? I wished that you lived somewhere so far away that it would take years to reach so that I will able to spend all my time with you."

"But it is that near, it is a fact." I pouted. "Can't you just live somewhere nearer to me? So that we can go to work together."

"I would love to but I have bought my place a long time ago and I like it a lot, but I will pick you up every morning from now on so that you wouldn't have to travel to work on your own." He hugged me tightly. "Goodnight, Wendy Son."

"Goodnight, Jung HoSeok," I said the same and we released the hug, he came a little closer and he kissed me on the lips, making the night sweeter than it already is.

He waved at me as he is leaving the building and I do the same until he is out of my sight and I turned towards the lift lobby where I wait for the lift to arrive, the lift arrived in no time and I got in. The lift doors were about to close when someone came into the lift and ruined my plan of being in the lift all alone until I reached my floor and it is someone that I know, she lives in the same apartment as I am and she is my roommate. "Joy, you ended work at this timing? It is a little later than your usual timing, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is. I had to stay back a little because my boss wanted me to stock up on the shoes and I am glad that I agreed to stay back so that I am able to witness such a scandalous scene right before I arrived home, what is that you have with Jung HoSeok?"

"What thing?" I tried to play it off. "Nothing happened, you do know that he is just my friend."

"Do best friends hug each other so lovingly and kiss each other on the lips like that? That only happens between couples and you two are a couple, am I right about that?" She pressed the lift to our floor and we alighted, we made our way to the door of our apartment and the door opens, Seulgi was the one behind the door and Irene and Yeri was sitting on the couch with the same look on their faces and I don't like what I am about to go through in a few seconds.

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