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I sat in the CEO's office just looking around the room aimlessly. I don't know why I am here exactly. It couldn't be a group activity as the rest aren't here, I am the only here. The others are all doing their own stuff and I am called to the office first time in the morning. What could I be here for?? Don't tell me that it is my mixtape??

I heard the footsteps of Bang PD nim walking towards the door and opening it. I stood up to greet him. "Good Morning, Bang PD-nim..."

"Just sit down, it's too weird for you to still be calling me that formally when we have already worked together for so many years."

"Right." I said, my eyes focusing on my lap. I can't really look at him straight in the eye. He is my boss after all.

"So how are you doing these days?? Still composing??"

"I also went out for walks when I am looking for some inspiration. May I know what is my reason for being here??"

"Now we're on the right topic. Have you have any interest in acting??" Acting?? Why acting all of a sudden??

Normally if someone in an idol group is asked to do acting when they don't have any experience with it, it is because the member is underrated and needed to promote himself. It is the last resort to prevent that member to get kicked out of the group. Am I getting kicked out?? "Why acting?? Am I not good at my work??"

He laughed. "Of course not. We just want another acting idol again from our company apart from TaeHyung who already have some experience in acting. The plot isn't confirmed and we needed to find a scriptwriter first."

"Will I really be popular doing acting??"

He shrugged. "Maybe it will, maybe it won't. It all depends on you. If you don't want it, it's okay. Other idols are willing to act as well."

"Do you mean that filming will only start if there is a scriptwriter??" Wendy can help me to come out with a plot which is great.

He nodded. "Why?? You know someone that is a scriptwriter??"

"I will try to ask her. She is a writer under the pen name 'Wendy Son'."

"Wendy Son?? The award-winning youngest writer for 4 years in a row??"

"You know her??" My tone became more excited because it is about Wendy.

"Of course, she is the one that always rejects large drama project all the time. Remember our 'Love Yourself' drama project?? She was the one who is supposed to be our scriptwriter." I didn't know that she has such a large connection to us before.

"Make sure you ask her about that. She needs to be your scriptwriter or else your popularity will never go up like all the other members." I should. For the sake of me and my career. For the sake of me and Wendy.



"What!?" I almost choked on my drink when he said that. I coughed like mad and my throat hurts like hell. Why did he even do that for?? Is that a prank??

"Drink some water." He passed me a glass of water with a straw on it that he got from Kim Yeri. I took a sip of it and felt much better.

"I didn't think that you would be that shocked." He said laughing at me. "It is totally unexpected from you." The sides of my cheeks started heating up. I'm blushing again...

"Tell your boss that I'm never doing it, don't ask why."

"Why??" He asked, obviously asking for trouble.

"Do you want to get hit for that?? My punches are really painful." I don't want to hit that angel though. He's too precious.

The chair next to me was pulled and someone sat down on it. It was Seulgi, my painter high school friend and roommate. "Why are you here??"

"Can't I be here?? I am just an ordinary human that comes for high-quality coffee made by the owner Kim Yeri herself." She replied and shouted her order to Yerim. Usually, other people would walk all the way there to make an order. She isn't an ordinary human, she's completely weird.

"You must be J-hope right??" She asked and he nodded. "I'm her roommate, Kang Seulgi. Nice to meet you." They shook hands and I pouted. Why is it so easy for them to shake hands and not for me??

"J-Hope ssi, you seem to be quite close to Wendy. Is there any reason why??" I hit her shoulder. Why does she have to ask that now??

He shook his head. "Nope, it is great to make friends who are the same age as me." He really only thinks of me as his friend, huh??

"You're 28??" She asked and he nodded.

"I'm glad that I can be friends with kind people like you and discuss opinions with each other."

"Of course. We do that too." She nudged me.

"So can you persuade her to be my scriptwriter??"

Her smile turned quizzical instantly. "Scriptwriter?? Why that all of a sudden??"

"He is going to cast as the main character in a drama and that drama will only work if I were his scriptwriter. This means that I will have to write for his drama." I quickly summarized the points to make her understand more easily.

"That's great to have your friend as your scriptwriter but did you turn it down??"

"I just don't want to. It's a burden writing for dramas."

"Why?? Just why??" He asked, whining a little. I find that a little cute of him. He seems to be like a little kid at times and he is always a sunshine.  Ugh, what the hell am I even thinking about?? I'm supposed to feel annoyed, not lovestruck.

"Don't ever ask that question, you are asking for a beating," Seulgi told him.

"Even if I got hit, at least I knew the reason why. It hurts but it is worth it." He said standing up. "I will just wait for you to tell me the reason. As long as I get the answer, it doesn't matter how long I will have to wait." Why is it so beautifully said?? Are these lines of a drama?? I'm gonna write that down now-- wait, why am I even doing that for?? I am not writing about his drama.

"I will make sure that she agrees by the end of the week."

"I will be waiting." They fist-bumped and he left. Even before I could say anything.

"Kang Seulgi, why did you let him go??"

"It will be dinner soon if this drags on. I'm sure that the others are making their way to the BBQ restaurant right now." Right, we booked a table and it is almost time for dinner. Yerim would be closing her store early and we will head there together to meet the others.

"No matter what, don't ever let the previous rejection let you down. You are so much better at writing now. If not, why would you even win 4 of the same awards??" But I'm scared. I'm scared of getting rejected again.

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