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I begged on my knees as soon as I met my CEO, Bang PD and I kept my eyes on the floor as I pleaded for Wendy to stay on as a scriptwriter for this drama. She has to stay on no matter what, she is the one behind the storyline and no one can help change that.

If she leaves, all I have done would be in vain. All that pleading to the CEO for her to work as a scriptwriter and to work alongside me and persuading myself to act even though I totally don't have the desire to do that. Acting is never in my mind because I'm always that confident in my dancing, I have never been afraid of dancing.

But I only have one pathway to go down now, being on variety shows alone makes me nervous and I'm unable to express my excitement or my real feelings. Even though I have an image of being the group's ray of sunshine, the one who is in charge of bringing happiness to the rest of the members, I'm not that bright in real life, I'm rather emotionless as compared to Yoongi hyung who is as emotionless than me.

That is only a stage persona to make me, J-Hope makes everyone happy just by being happy and screaming and shouting at times that are appropriate. Jung Hoseok doesn't, he is that regular guy that is just like any other person, he can be sad at times and he is sad when no one is around. It doesn't mean that I have to be happy all the time if my stage name is happy, I'm forced and expected to be happy all the time.

If I have no jobs to work with, I will just be the underrated group member whose popularity is rock bottom. It is not that I'm hungry for attention, I need to have attention in order to reliving my career which is long forgotten. I have to be greedy right now to survive in the industry for many years to come.

I'm not happy and I want to stay. For Wendy, for myself.

"Sajangnim... I have to stay in this drama no matter what. I have to." I placed my hands together and pleaded with my boss who isn't looking very pleased.

"Hoseok-ah, don't you know how much the press hates me for asking you to be in this drama?? It is obvious that you are not cut out for this acting thing."

"But PD-nim, I have to. OK, at least do it for Wendy. She has to stay on, she's the scriptwriter and she is very important in this drama, she can't be fired." I looked up at him and into his eyes for the first time in years, the last time it was when I got kicked out before I debuted.

"She can be fired. She is just a newbie, there are far more people who are more experienced than she is. I just accepted her because you pleaded me to." He kept his arms crossed and has no intention of ever putting it down.

"Can you help me again??" Since that, you had helped me in making Wendy the scriptwriter for the drama the first time around.

"Hoseok, I'm afraid that I couldn't--" There were the footsteps of another person and I didn't have to look up at him, the shadow of the person reflected his extremely wide shoulders. "PD-nim, please allow him to stay. Wendy ssi as well."

Bang PD turned around and had a shocking facial expression on his face, his eyes looking at him frantically. "Why??"

"They deserved it, Hoseok needed it the most. Don't you want him to be as popular as the other members again?? And you are ruining his chance to make it big when he has the chance to make it big."

"Didn't you see how he behaved in front of the director earlier?? He has already failed in the first step of debuting in the drama scene if he can't suck up to the director." That's why all the directors are so cocky and only think about themselves...

They never had anyone talk down to them before, just because they are the director, they can do whatever they want to do. They are people who are above the line, they are the ones who make all the decisions for any changes to the art direction, storyline and even the cast and crew members.

"Director Kim has a huge reputation for mistreating his crew members and especially treating the female cast members better than anyone else. As you can see, he was treating SooJung ssi who was the female lead as if she was a piece of glass that needed to be treated with care or it will break and for the other female crew members, he insults them. Don't you know that he would always fire anyone on the spot if he doesn't like the person??"

"That..." Bang PD was speechless to all that Seokjin hyung was saying and he had a smirk on his face as he was speaking to Bang PD, it is as if he had the upper hand in this particular showdown. "Seokjin-ah..."

"There are two options, fire the director and keep the two or fire the two and keep the director. Your choice, PD-nim..." He announced. "I hope that you would choose to allow Hoseok to stay, he has a lot of talent and sadly you are going to ruin it even before he has a chance to show it to the others that he can act."

After a long minute of deep thinking, Bang PD finally let out a sigh. "Fine, Hoseok can continue to stay. And of course, Wendy Son provided that the two wouldn't cause any trouble ever again."

"I hope that you can keep that promise, PD-nim." He smirked.

Bang PD stood up. "Why would I not??" He turns to face me. "Make sure that I won't get disappointed the next time I decide to come to visit again." He walks off and Seokjin hyung places a hand on my shoulder.

"The case is solved and the two of you can get your jobs secured." He gave a cheeky smile as he recalled what he had done to make PD-nim not fire me from this drama. And Wendy will get to stay on and I will be able to see her every day.

"How the hell did you even manage to persuade him to do the impossible all the time?? He's a hard nut to crack and an old nut at that."

"Have you forgotten that I have a share in the company and I'm one of the biggest stakeholders??" He shows me one of his confident facial expression, the one that he raises up his shoulders in delight. "And the fact that I argued with them to get my hair dyed back from blonde to black years ago?? It is because of my status that they didn't dare to touch me."

"Thank you hyung for the help," I said to him and he frowned. Does he want me to treat him to food instead??

"Why are you saying that?? There is no need to thank me, we are already a family."

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