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I arrived at Yeri's coffee shop after going to the museum. It is quite an interesting experience, I must say. With all those weird love myths which I obviously don't believe as it has never come true to me. I had a boyfriend which was years ago when I am still in college. We were both in love but we didn't meet each other for the first time wearing the same clothes.

He was wearing a buttoned shirt because he was from a business course and I was in casual clothes like a singlet paired with a cardigan and shorts. It was some kind of a bohemian style. We broke up a few years ago because of personality differences, he didn't understand how I need to stay at home to work while he wanted to go out and play, like going to the nightclub. So, after all that, I was single till now but it is good to be single. I get to focus on my job rather than dating.

A cup of caramel macchiato was placed in front of me and I knew who was it. "How's the museum?? Is there anything interesting??"

"Well..." I typed on my laptop. "It is all about love as what it says on the website and there was something that interested me."

"What is it??"

"Love myths, there are all so ridiculous." I chuckled as I handed her my camera. "I took a few shots of it to let you guys see. It is really ridiculous and has originality."

I took a sip of the coffee as she scrolled through the photos that I had taken at the museum an hour earlier. She giggled at every single picture and then she returned to me. "Wah, this really made my day. They are really funny. Where did they even got this information from??"

I shrugged my shoulders. "How would I know?? At least I get an idea of what my next book is about." I said searching my bag for my thumb drive. I needed to transfer the pictures from the camera to the laptop so it is easier to get the reference from instead of using the camera. I touched every corner of the bag but I couldn't feel anything that feels like a thumb drive.

I placed my bag on the table and turned it upside down so that it is easier to search for it. "What is it?? You misplaced it??" Yeri asked with pure concern.

"I don't know. I have always placed in my bag but I couldn't find it. Where did I even placed it??" I said sorting the items from my bag and I still couldn't find my thumb drive. Have I misplaced it??

"Maybe you have taken it out by chance and forgotten to put it back. Did you take it out when you are still in the museum??" Yes, I did.

I nodded. "But I remembered that I put it back--" I suddenly stopped as I suddenly remembered something.

"I didn't. It was in my hands and I bumped into someone on the way out. I must have dropped my thumb drive right there."

She sighed. "How many times have you misplaced your thumb drive since the start of your writing career??"

"23 times and this is the one that liked the most and it is now lost, what am I going to do now??" I said pouting.

"No choice, you would have to buy another one to replace it. You have the original copy on your laptop right??" I nodded, still upset that I lost my thumb drive again for the 23rd time. How can I be so careless??

I should have been more careless at taking care of my stuff. I looked at Yerim who is now attending to a customer that had just entered the store. "One caramel macchiato please with sugar." The person said. That's the same that I am having right now, what a coincidence... I thought to myself.

He paid for the order and is now waiting for his order with his head low. I bet that he is using the phone. He lifted his head up and I realized that he is the same person that I bumped into earlier. His face was so distinctive with his nose and all looks like someone to me. Who is he??

Maybe he picked up my thumb drive by chance. I should go over and ask him about that. I was going to go over to him when he suddenly walked to the counter to get his order and left the cafe. My chance is gone.

I went to the counter and called for Yeri. "What??"

"About that customer... Does he come here often??"

She shook her head. "I only saw him this week. He comes at this timing every single day so I supposed that he comes here to buy coffee and go to work. He should be an idol judging from his outfit." I nodded. So he is an idol...

"Why are you asking this for??"

"Remember my lost thumb drive?? He's the one that I bumped into earlier at the museum."

"Really?? Then go and get your thumb drive back." I nodded and got my phone and wallet heading out of the store immediately. I hope that he is still within range or I would have to wait until tomorrow to ask for my thumb drive back.

He's an idol, so he should be heading to the entertainment company right now. Are there any entertainment companies around here?? There is one, Big Hit Entertainment - it is down the streets. Maybe he is under that company.

I thought to myself as I walked as fast as I can to the location that I was thinking about. Indeed, I spotted the same person about to enter the building and I called for him.

He turned around and I went over to him. "Remember me??" I asked enunciating every word in case that he doesn't remember me.

He looked at me from top to bottom and handed me something in my hand. "You are looking for this right??"

I opened my hand and it revealed my lost thumb drive. "Yes, it is. Where did you find it??"

"On the floor near the plants. Don't ever lose it again, it contains a lot of important information in there right??"

I nodded, grateful that he remembered me and returned me my thumb drive. "Thank you so much!!" I said repeatedly bowing down to him.

"Don't thank me!!" He showed his smile to me and I was smitten by it. What a beautiful smile... He looked exactly like a ray of sunshine right at this moment.

"I got to go. Remember, don't tell anyone that I was here." He said before getting in the building and I was still frozen. Did he just say goodbye...

I pouted. The next time I would see him would be tomorrow when he comes into the cafe and orders caramel macchiato which is also my favorite drink. I slapped myself. Why was I hoping that he would come to the cafe again?? He isn't that handsome but that smile of his makes me smiling even until I got back to the cafe. Have I fallen for him??

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