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My girlfriend Wendy put a finger to her lips. "Remember that you will not tell anyone this, it is a secret between me, you and Bae Yeongwon who is the one with the secret. No one else except for the three of us is supposed to know about the truth and we will suffer heavy consequences if any of them happen to find out about the tiny secret."

I nodded and she smiled. "It is only for a while, we can tell everyone after the wedding. Yeongwon has a reason for delaying to tell everyone about her pregnancy, she doesn't want unnecessary drama to happen at her wedding."

I nodded and something came to my mind all of a sudden and I didn't hesitate to ask Wendy about what is on my mind. "I have a question, what happens to the wedding dress that she chose for the wedding? Does she need to get a new dress now that she is pregnant?" She just laughed and I grabbed her arm. "I am serious about that question, wouldn't her tummy get bigger if she is pregnant?"

"But she is only 2 months pregnant and the baby bump doesn't emerge until the 4th month, you can rest assured that nothing on her body is going to change for now and no one will be able to suspect that she could have been pregnant because of the baby bump." She explained to me.

"Pregnant women can't have any alcohol right? How is she supposed to drink the champagne at her own wedding?" She sighed at my other questions. "Sorry but I just can't help asking these questions, it is not like I know anything about being pregnant and things that pregnant women should or should not do."

"She could just tell SeokJin ssi that she is not feeling that well that day and she has taken medication and she will not be able to have alcohol if she has eaten medication, it is true and we should listen to all those medical professionals say." She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "You are just thinking too much about it, nothing bad is going to happen at the wedding if we just keep our mouths shut. Especially you, if you say anything to your members, I will tie you up somewhere and you will not be able to see your members ever again."

I know that she doesn't mean it but it is still very scary by the way that she says it, it is as if she really wanted to do that to me. "I promise that I will not say anything about the pregnancy until the wedding is over, I deserve to die if anyone were to know about it."

I dropped Wendy off at her place and I went back home, the members should be at home by now all doing their own things and there is a chance that I don't get to see anyone before I go to bed and that is not for sure, they will sometimes hold impromptu movie sessions and everyone will stay up watching it.

I entered the apartment and the whole place is filled with nothing but voices that don't seem to come from the members, they are watching a movie again and it is in Korean. I walked over to the living room and JiMin and Taehyung were the ones who are watching a movie with the lights switched off. JungKook is most probably cooped up in his room gaming, Yoongi hyung is making music, as usual, NamJoon would be reading a book and I don't have a clue where SeokJin hyung would be.

He has purchased his own apartment many years and it is the same place where I followed Wendy behind and found that Bae Yeongwon is pregnant, he sometimes spends his nights at his own place and sometimes at our shared apartment, he will move over to his own place after the wedding is over and he will live with his wife for the rest of his life.

"He might be still at the company, I don't know, I haven't seen him for the entire day and he hasn't called anyone about his whereabouts. But don't worry, he will come as soon as possible if we call for late-night delivery." Yoongi hyung told me when I went to his room, he was in the middle of creating a masterpiece and he was kind of mad at me when I interrupted him by knocking on his door. "Is there anything else? If not, I am going back to what I am supposed to be doing and don't you call me out again." He closed the door shut and I shook my head before going into my room which is only next door.

I switched on the lights and I nearly screamed when I saw a figure sitting down on my couch and he covers my mouth with his hand. "Don't scream, you are only going to make everyone stop what they are doing and run to your room immediately," Seokjin whispered and he put his hand down so that I can reply back to him.

"And why are you doing in my room for? You were in my room with the lights switched off, what are you even trying to do?" I asked him, whispering back to him.

"I was doing nothing, I was just waiting for you to return home and then we will have a talk with each other." He looked really weird and I don't know why the shoot went well earlier and everyone got off work on time.

"What do you have to talk to me about?" I put one hand on my hip as I faced him. "Is it something really urgent?"

I saw one lone tear at the corner of his eye and it slowly streamed down his face. "I noticed that my fiancee Yeongwon has been avoiding me a lot these days and I have no idea why she is doing that to me, she has never done that to me before. Does she not like me anymore? Is she going to call off the wedding because there is no future for the both of us anymore?" He grabbed my shoulders and he shook me. "What do you think that I should do, HoSeok ah?"

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