스물 여덟

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I searched high and low for that one person that I have been looking for since I arrived at the shooting set, I know that she comes early to set to prepare stuff for the shoot the entire day but she is not going to be a crew member today, she is here as an actress, the same rank as me but she is even better than me.

It had been days since she agreed to act in the drama as the leader of the gangster who would bully SooJeong ssi, no one had expected that a minor character would turn into the main character that quickly, the character didn't even have a name due to its one time appearance but when Wendy acted as the character, she made the character seem so important and for a minute, I was confused over who is the main female lead is even though I am in the same drama.

It is the power that Wendy has, she has a lot of talent in acting but yet she chooses to stay hidden behind the scenes and hide her talent away until someone notices it. I wonder how is she not tempted to study acting more in detail or starting writing books when she doesn't get her stories sold for a drama.

"Hoseok-ah, why are you here?" SeokJin hyung comes around and slaps my shoulder. "I thought that you weren't working today, you don't need to be here at all."

"I know, I am just here to see Wendy since it is her first day as an actress. I want to see her in action." And to apologise to her. I said it in my mind.

I have done all the things that I deserved to be hated, I only hide behind Wendy because I was a coward, I literally couldn't do anything much when she is not around, I used her to help me and I feel bad for her, I don't deserve to be called her friend.

"She is so good in acting, I know she could act the first time you brought her to have dinner with her, she has that potential in her but she didn't want to shine too much but she did, a gem like her needs to be brought out to the spotlight in order to stand out. Compared to her, SooJeong now seemed like a lacklustre actress who needs to learn a lot from her."

It is true that SooJeong can't act and she only relied on her looks to get her roles for the dramas that she wanted to work on, including this one. I have heard a lot of things from her manager during our breaks, she actually sucks at acting and she even failed her last module back in university but she used money to cover all of that up, her company and her manager have to beg the producers all the time to get her roles to play or she is not earning any money.

I am like the male counterpart of her, I had no choice but to step in the acting black hole and I probably have to stay there for the rest of my life. We have to survive in the industry if we want to stay longer, we have to do anything that it requires even if we hated it. At least I will start earning money again rather spend months and months doing nothing like a useless bum.

"At least she is still working, she is working hard to keep her popularity high, she is doing whatever it takes to stay on and I am going to do that as well." I am going to do whatever it takes just so that I can continue to survive in this world.

"I'm glad that you are finally thinking positive about this, you didn't sound that happy when Bang PD first approached you about this project."

I have to owe it to Wendy who changed that thinking of mine, she was quite reluctant when I asked her to be the scriptwriter, she wasn't confident and she was afraid that she would fail and everything will crumble. But she has her friends who never stopped supporting her from day one and they really care a lot about her, even though I haven't met the whole crew, I just knew that they will be cool to hang out with.

I looked at the clock, it is nearing the time Wendy would report to work and she comes in as I looked up, she was in her usual sweater and pants combo, her messy bun in place and minimal makeup. This might be a turn off to other people but to me, it is enough for me to smile at. She is just so pretty and adorable to look at, why does she always look this perfect?

She avoided my waves and bowed to Seokjin hyung who hasn't left my side. "Good morning, Director Jin!"

"Don't call me that, that's embarrassing!" He is being loud as usual and there is a hint of embarrassment in his voice. "I only said it as a joke, I didn't expect you to go along with it."

"But it sounds fine to me, it sounds friendly to the ears. Have you had any breakfast yet?" Why is she being so sweet to him for?

I cleared my throat and she stops talking, finally looking at me. "I'm here too you know, even though it is my off day today." To support you and be there for you...

"You should stay at home, you have nothing to do here." She was cold to me, we only had a big fight a few days ago.

"I'm here to take over your job for one day, the producer and scriptwriter job. Jin hyung told me last night that I have to come on set to help him since there isn't enough manpower today." I immediately regretted whatever I have said, I know nothing about being a producer and I will be dead.

"I did? You are the one who decided to--" I covered his mouth with my hands.

"You did, you just forgot about it. How can you make your actor work for free?" I continued to cover up the lie with everything that I could think of at the moment. I winked at him, signalling to him that he played along with me.

"Oh right, I did. I am so tired and busy that I couldn't remember that I asked you about that. No wonder you were on set, I thought that you were just here to stare at someone for the entire day."

"Who?" Wendy asked curiously.

"The mannequin in the changing room, our dear Hoseok has a habit of staring at mannequins. He feels better if he sees one." Seokjin hyung answered, making up such a horrible lie that no one would ever believe.

"Right, I didn't know about that. I better get ready for the shoot, it is starting in an hour. Hoseok, prepare all the paperwork needed for today's shoot." She left for the changing room and I feel like my legs had turned to jelly. What a pathetic lie that I just made up... I would rather tell her the whole truth than to go one full circle to say something that she would have a hard time understanding.

Seokjin hyung started laughing hysterically when he remembers what he said earlier. "I don't know that you felt like that when you stare at those mannequins, you would freak out if you see me, especially those with human faces."

"Now she is thinking that I am a weirdo." I deeply sighed.

"But at least she spoke to you today, you got all worried that you were afraid of her ignoring you for the rest of her life. She is still going to be your friend even if you guys fought."

I don't want to be her friend though. "Hyung, can you stop being so sweet to her? I am her friend and I don't like that." I don't want anyone to go after her, she is everything that I needed in my life.

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