Chapter Twenty-Five: "Cravings."

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Update: I found the error. If you already read this chapter then there is no need to read it again. All I did was take out the first half and add it to the end of chapter 16. :)

Alexander's POV
"Sophia said she really wants birthday cake ice cream and then Oreos for tomorrow. Pretty please go get it." Maya had climbed behind me on top of my pillows placing her knee against the top of my head before bending down to look at me upside down. Her curls fell at my chin as she said Sophia's current cravings.

I nodded as Maya put a bright smile on her face. "You'll get it?" She asked, before placing a kiss on my cheek. She rolled to the side, getting ready to get off the bed.

"Oh! Also, she wants some of the minute juice with the mango on the front. Or the one with a peach." She added before flashing me a toothy grin and leaving. I swung my legs to the end of my bed, getting ready to pull on a hoodie and hurry up to go get the snacks that were requested.

Sophia has been eating avocados like crazy. I bought 20 avocados Monday and they are gone already. Today is Wednesday. She made avocado fries, avocado slices, she smashed them up and ate it with potato chips. I even caught her with a whole peeled one biting into it like a apple. Now she has Maya wanting to go an an all avocado diet just because she sees that that's the only thing Sophia will eat. She has only been eating avocados and vanilla bean ice cream with this weird topping that comes out the bottle a liquid but hardens once it is out over the ice cream. Every time I go to target, they all look at me with small frowns (knowing I have a pregnant woman with me currently) before scanning the same items I've bought every two days for the last month. I should just get a fridge to put in her room so that it can be filled with her cravings but I'm afraid she'll go through that even quicker.

I slip into some shoes and put my phone in my hoodie pocket. I grabbed my wallet, placing it in my back pocket and grabbed my car keys. I walked out of my room, peeking over the balcony seeing both Sophia and Maya sitting on the couch on their phones while Shrek played on the TV. I walked down the stairs, wanting to get Sophia's current craving and get back into bed as soon as posible.

"Wait, you're going to the store?" Sophia asked aloud as I opened the door that led to the hall. I furrowed my brows before nodding, pressing me hand into my front pocket against my phone. Sophia and I still weren't really talking so I was afraid to say anything that might set her off again.

"Can you get me some more vanilla bean ice cream and cheezits? Please." She said politely and I nodded before speaking. "So, Oreos, birthday cake Ice cream, vanilla bean ice cream, cheezits, and juice cartons? Correct?" I asked. She looked confused before shrugging and nodding her head. I nodded before saying a quick bye and opening the door. I opened it and turned around to close it, hearing 'the snack mix!' From Sophia before doing so. I walked to the elevator and pressing my hand against the button. The door opened shortly and I quietly whined about my head. I stopped momentarily and pressed the button for the garage.

As the elevator fell beneath me, I leaned against the wall with my eyes closed. My head has been killing me since last night and I went to work and bared with it but now it was getting to be too much. I could feel it behind my eyes and my ears were constantly ringing. I didn't want Sophia nor Maya to worry about me so I just went straight to my room and tried to go to sleep. After a couple hours, I woke up restless and now I am on the way to my car to help one of the most important girls in my life.

I threw open that door to my car, buckling my seatbelt and rushing towards target.

I arrived six minutes later. There was no traffic and I only saw one car out on the streets. That means that there's either a really big party somewhere or really bad traffic else where.

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