Chapter Three: "Deal!"

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A couple months later.

"I'm trying to pee, leave." I said to Crissy who stood inside the small bathroom with a half of watermelon in her hands. She's scooped some out with a spoon before rolling her eyes. She turned around, standing outside of the door looking the opposite way.

"If you are really really pregnant, I wanna be the godmother you know." She said aloud. I rolled my eyes before placing the cup on top of a paper towel. The paper towel sat on the sink and I put the pregnancy test into the cup. I then finished before washing my hands and leaving. I walked past Crissy who was now eating my half of the watermelon. Her natural black hair was in a neat bun while mine was in a proud messy bun.

"I know you want to be. Too bad you have to wait another five years when I actually find a man then another four years to make him fall in love with me so we can have kids." I laughed, sitting on the couch. I pulled my knees to my chest and pulled my phone out. Crissy sat on the other end of the couch before shoving her foot on my behind.

"Hundred bucks says you're pregnant." She betted. I looked up at her as she looked at me with that devious smile that she meant she just knew she was right. I closed my eyes before replying back; "120 says it's not."

"Deal!" She said, holding out her pinky finger. I shook mine with hers before going back to my phone.

"Do you have plans later? I kinda wanna go to Panera bread." She asked.

"I wanna go to Playpen." I said, jokingly. Playpen was a sex club where they literally tied you up, whipped you, shoved vibrators in you, and on top of all that you become a slave for the night and you have to 'play' with the other slaves there.

"I don't think pregnant ladies should participate in those type of activities. We should just go to our regular place." She said, scooping the remaining piece of watermelon out. She bit into it before looking back at me. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "You're being annoying. Did you and Chance not get some?"

"No, Chance got some! I didn't." She huffed standing. I watched in confusion as she retreated to my kitchen.

"What do you mean?" I called out. The fridge door opened and I heard the glasses being rearranged before I heard her voice.

"He got mad at me after I said something and then he came all over my f'ing stomach and left! He was so pissed!" She whined.

"Ew." I said involuntaryilt to the part where Chance came all over her stomach. "What did you say?" I added a little loud but was filled with interest. Crissy definitely had a smart mouth but not that bad. She knew when to control it and whatnot. Especially in front of Chance. Chance tried to keep his cursing to a minimum, for his "niece" he said. He doesn't have any brothers or sisters, so I'm not exactly sure who his niece is. But he especially hated back mouthing or smart Alec's. He stormed out of my home one top because I made a comment about his hair. He got so pissed.

"I accidentally may have called him a bitch... on accident. We were like.. arguing at the time."

"I thought y'all were having sex?" I said, confused. Crissy let out a nervous laugh before coming back into the living room. She pulled at her shirt before shrugging shyly. She sat on the couch and smiled before proceeding to say "We were doing both."

I visibly gasped before laughing. "You're lying!"

"Not at all!" She pulled her hand band back before lettin it fly against her head. I looked out at the grey walls in thought before allowing myself to say another sentence. "Like, while he was thrusting into you arguing or arguing about something serious?" I asked. Crissy rolled her eyes before looking at her nails. She scratched polished off of her thumb before looking up at me.

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