Chapter Eight: "Nicole."

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Please vote and comment. Btw... this chapter moves pretty fast. A lot going on.

As the weeks passed, Alexander and I's relationship got better. Although he had work often, he always popped in to check on me and our.. babies.

I also began to watch Maya a little, since she would beg Alexander to come to my house. I decided to let her. It was really only once a week, a day where her nanny didn't work.

Whenever she came over, we would talk, play, nap, eat, and watch a movie. Today, we walked to the pet store and Maya got to hold the baby rabbits and play with the puppies. She was so estatic about playing with them that she insisted she was going to go home and beg her father to bring her back so she could get one. Of course, I wasn't going to buy her a pet without Alexander's permission, but I did decide to take down a Christmas list from her.

Christmas was two weeks away and I had nothing to do in my spare time, so why not shop for gifts?

"My dad is coming?" Maya asked as I zipped her coat. She pulled the hat over her head before stepping back, watching me nod.

"Yeah, he's on his way."

"When I get home, I'm going to ask Daddy if we can watch Tangled." She said, smiling. We had watched tangled earlier after we came back from the pet store. Maya was absolutely in love with Flynn Rider and Rapunzel; which surprised me since she had seen practically every other Disney Princess movie.

"Already? You just watched it."

"But daddy loves princess movies. We watch them all the time. Now I have to see if he has watched this one." She explained before leaning against the wall. I laughed before walking towards my kitchen. I carried the small dish that we had grapes in and placed it in my sink. I decided I was going to tidy up a bit before Alex got here. I threw away any loose trash and put the bag of grapes away. As three heavy knocks hit the front door, I instructed Maya to open it.

"That must be your father. Go ahead and open the door." I said, not realizing that Alexander didn't have a key to my building. He would have to ring the buzzer before being able to come in.

"Wai-" I exclaimed, hearing the door open and the buzzer go off at the same time. I entered the living room, hitting the button and then glancing towards the door. David walked in with a beanie on his head and two boxes of pizza in his hands. He greeted Maya before placing the boxes on the table.

"You're starting to look pregnant." He said, reaching in for a quick hug. "Thanks" I mumbled, patting his back. I walked towards the door and looked down the hall. Alexander was already walking up with his work suit on. His dark hair had small specks of what I can only infer are snowflakes from the outside New York weather.

"Maya, Alex is down the hall."

"Wait, I want to stay."

"We went over this. David, can you grab sprite out the fridge please?" I asked. He smiled before retreating into my kitchen.

"If he's here I want to be here to."

"Hey Sophia. Hey baby." Alexander's y'all figure stood in the threshold. He slightly shook his head before smiling at us. I waved at him as he came closer: he pulled me into a side hug and then swung Maya up to his hip. She clutched onto him with a frown.

"Hi daddy. Can we stay a little bit?"

"No, Aunt Madison's birthday party is today."

"I don't like her though, I want to stay with Sophia."

I kind of tuned out Alexander and Maya's conversation out as David walked out the kitchen with a sprite in his hand. He placed it on the table before gesturing behind me. "Who's that?" He whispered.

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